Minutes meeting Monday February 8, 2021

Meeting Minutes from Past Meetings
City Clerk
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Minutes meeting Monday February 8, 2021

Postby City Clerk » Fri Feb 12, 2021 2:25 pm

Proceedings of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Jeanerette, State of Louisiana, at their regular meeting held Monday February 8, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
Those present were: Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. Alderman Clarence Clark, Alderwoman Charlene Moore Aldermen Willie Ward, and Louis Lancon, Absent Aldermen Garland Bourgeois, Also present: City Clerk Susan Colden, Treasurer Catherine Roy,
Pastor Clifton C. Tate Sr. from Bethlehem Church of God in Christ in Patterson led in prayer and Alderwoman Moore led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. determined that a quorum was present.
5. Alderman Ward moved and Alderman Lancon seconded Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 11, 2021 with all necessary corrections. Motion carried of voice vote of all yea.
Alderman Lancon also motioned to expand the agenda to add items 6C, recognition of outgoing City Attorney Roger Hamilton, item 7G, report by Fiscal Administrator David Greer, . Motion was seconded by Alderman Clark. . Motion carried of voice vote of all yea.
6. Announcements by the Mayor:
6A. Resolution Proclamation Calvin Ray Tate, Alderman Clark read the proclamation and Alderman Clark and Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. presented the proclamation to Mr. Clifton Tate Sr.
6B. Resolution Proclamation Edwin Broussard , Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr read the proclamation presented the proclamation to Mr. Broussard’s grandson Marion Broussard Jr.
6C. Presentation to Outgoing City Attorney, Roger Hamilton, The Mayor reminded everyone that Mr. Hamilton is now Judge Hamilton. The Mayor presented Judge Mr. Hamilton with a plaque for appreciation of service from January 2016 to December 2020.
Announcements by the Mayor The Mayor announced that in honor of Black History Month there will be a program at the King Joseph Recreation Center on February 27 at 1 pm, The Mayor also recognized Clifton and Beverly Grant who own and operate The Coffee House which was recently recognized by KATC during Black History month for serving outstanding cuisine to the area for over 30 years. In coordination with Iberia Medical Center there will be COVID Vaccines available to persons 65 and older or in Phase 1A & Phase 1B Tier 1 on Tuesday Feb 9 and Thursday Feb 11 from 7:30 am until 4:00 pm at the Ward 8 Recreation Center. Appointments are required. Positively Iberia which is featured on KANE 1240 am will feature Jeanerette with Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr, Chamber President Terri Thompson and others in a zoom forum on Thursday Feb 18 at 10 am. The Jeanerette Fire Department has smoke alarms to distribute, especially to the elderly. Please pick up at the Martin Luther King station or call 276-4200. Alderman Clark reported that the City has entered into an agreement with a grant writer service, through VFIS by Mr. Keith Davidson, the department is in desperate need of updated SCBA, self-contained breathing apparatus since the current packs date back to 2003 and are no longer compliant. Twenty air packs will cost the city $156,300 the federal grant will reduce the cost to the city to only 5% which is $7,805.15. The grant writer will only charge the City $500 but if the grant is approved this cost will be written into the grant minus $25. This grant will also give the City one RIT pack to allow the firefighter to go into a structure and rescue someone and provide oxygen through that pack. Alderman Lancon asked when the City would find out if we were awarded the grant and Alderman Clark said in November. The Mayor also added that Mr. Tyrone Glover who is the community services representative for Congressman Clay Higgins office there is $15 million available for fire equipment, so we will be looking to evaluating our needs and submitting for this. Next the Mayor addressed the need for volunteers to become CERT (community emergency response teams) trained responders to help respond to hurricanes, floods, train derailments and more, next meeting is Friday February 19th at 8:30 am in City Hall. Last week The Mayor was able to meet with Senator Allain and Todd Vincent from Sellers and Associates to get support from the Senator and Representative Miguez for 2.5 million in Capital Outlay funds. Senator Allain was happy with our fiscal situation and our ability to provide the required matching funds. The Mayor also had City Clerk Susan Colden report on the trip to Gueydan to review their meter reading system. Our City currently has the meter reader writing the meter reading and then keying the information in the office into a hand held device to upload into the billing system. The system Gueydan uses allows the meter reader to access an APP on the phone to enter the reading. This APP will also record the time and location the reading is entered and a photo, (for example of the meter) is all available on the customer information instantly to the billing clerk. We will be looking at getting the routes in good walk sequence to help transition to this system. Aldermen Ward and Clark asked if we had personnel and what is the timeline. Ms. Colden said we have the staff and equipment in place and we should be able to change over relatively quickly. Lastly the food distribution 1600 boxes of food and 1600 gallons of milk was distributed last Thursday and will be held the next three Thursdays starting at 11 am at the Church of God in Christ.
7.A Report from the Tuesday February 2, 2021 Policy and Personnel Committee Meeting Present-Mayor Carol Bourgeois, Susan Colden City Clerk, Treasurer Catherine Roy, Alderman Clarence Clark, and Alderwoman Charlene Moore. The committee reviewed the applications for City Attorney. After a discussion the committee decided to recommend the Board of Aldermen a candidate. With no other business to consider the meeting was adjourned.
7.B Report from the Wednesday February 3th , 2021 City of Jeanerette Finance Committee Meeting Present- Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Treasurer Catherine Roy, City Clerk Susan Colden, and Alderwoman Charlene Moore and Alderman Louis Lancon. The audit for year end 2020 was filed and there were no findings. Alderman Lancon stated that he could not ever remember when the City did not have a finding in the audit. Everyone congratulated Ms. Roy on her outstanding efforts along with Mr. Greer’s guidance. The committee noted that we need to develop a few more controls for expendable, durables and control items. This will be developed in each department. Sales Tax reports were reviewed and noted that Sales Tax were down for the third month but within projections. Utility billing were as expected. The bank accounts are in line and all of the accounts except for the Payroll and Disbursement accounts are now interest bearing. Lamp accounts are in line and the cash flow analysis is good. The Aged Payables were reviewed. The Mayor updated the group on the efforts of Senator Allain to help the City secure Capital Outlay funds for water improvements. With the good financial audit and sustainable rates for the utility system The City should be able to receive some funds form the State. These funds will require the City to have cash reserves available for the required match. The January P& L statements were reviewed and expenditures should be at 58% at this point. The Ad Valorem collections are at 88% and the notices for tax sale will be sent in March and the tax sale will be in June. Ms. Roy showed the new reporting methods for Utility fees. With no other business to consider the meeting was adjourned.
7.C Report from the Thursday, February 4, 2021 City of Jeanerette Public Works Committee Meeting This meeting was cancelled by the Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. due to scheduling issues. Alderman Lancon read the summary report from public works. The Mayor also stated that we will be having a conference call with the Waste Management regarding bulk waste concerns.
7D. Neal Swain from Statewide Electric on Water and Sewer Operations, Mr. Swain reported on the sewer side operations were normal at the sewer plant we were able to get the RAS (return activated sludge) pump installed and clarifier 2 is now online so the sewer plant is now 100% operational. Three SCADIA systems were installed at Canal, Druilhet and Ira lift stations, they help monitor pump running time and alert of any issues. For the big project they are waiting on the pumps. Mr. Swain thought that the pumps should be installed in a few weeks. Alderman Clark asked if the new force mains are in operation and Mr. Swain said the only one that is not yet operational is the one coming from St. Nicholas. The one from Hon Iron is going as well as the line to Druilhet. On the water side there has not been any complaints all the testing is good and there is daily flushing of the system.
E. Update on Port of Iberia by Commissioner Simieon Theodile Commissioner Theodile presented the Dredging Plan for the Acadiana Gulf of Mexico Access Channel. This is about 14.5 miles of dredging to get deeper water into the port of Iberia to get the bigger jobs. This project has been ongoing since 2000 where 12 bulkheads where address and now the project is at a point where they are going to start on the 11th lowering 3 old gas pipelines that are running across commercial canals, this will take about 8 months to complete. This phase is a 28.4 million dollar project funded by the state, consisting of 4.9 million for the Boardwalk pipeline, 6.7 million Shell pipeline, 4.5 million for the Kinder Morgan Pipeline the matting costing $100,000, and the dredging costing $12 million and is part of a 51 million dollar project, funded by the state.
F. Christie Dunn of Wright, Moore, DeHart, Dupuis & Hutchinson LLC presenting the audit for year end 6/30/2020 Ms Dunn reported that this is the first time in a long time that we are offering an unmodified opinion on your financial statements. That is the City’s governmental activities, the business activities major funds and aggregate remaining funds for the City of Jeanerette. Last year the audit was balance sheet only to prepare for the full audit this year. Page 10, shows general had about $200,000 in cash and $400,000 in total assets and liabilities of $125,000 so the total fund balance was $339,000. The 1% Sales tax had cash of $355,000 and no liabilities resulting in a fund balance of $355,000 these funds are restricted to the purpose the tax was created for. The other governmental funds category (detailed on page 64) combine to the balances listed in the Other Governmental column. Page 12 for statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances is like an income statement in a for profit business. The general fund had a total revenue of 1.7 million with $822,000 of that from taxes followed by almost $500,000 from intergovernmental revenue. Expenses in the general fund were 2.4 million exceeding revenue by $693,000. The City transferred $780,000 from the sales tax funds and other governmental funds to end the year in a net positive change of $86,000. Sales tax revenues were $500,000, and $348,000 were transferred out. Other governmental funds had revenues of $830,000 and expenses of $470,000 resulting in an excess of revenues over expenses of $361,000 with $308,000 transferred resulting in a change of $88,900. On page 14 is the propriety fund which is our utility fund and at year end there was total cash and receivables of $698,000 the City also has restricted assets and capital assets which is the infrastructure of $10,100,000 for total assets of $11,000,000. Current liabilities are $167,000, revenue bonds payable of $2,178,000 and liability for customer deposit and pension ending the year with a next fund balance of $8,000,000. Page 15 has the income statement where revenues of $1,465,000 and operating expenses of $1,896,000 creating an operating loss of $430,000. There was other revenue of $100,000 so the loss for the utility fund for the year is $319,000. The City transferred out $230,000 resulting in a net change in position of a loss of $458,000 with an ending net fund balance of $8,400,000. Page 17 is the cash flow statement and Ms. Dunn pointed out that although the income statement shows a loss there was positive cash flow and the operating cash increased by $225,000 and a positive cash flow of $79,000 and ended the year with cash of $617,000. Ms. Dunn also pointed out that on page 86 is where they would any findings listed and there were no findings.
F. Final Report David Greer, Fiscal Administrator Mr. Greer stated that he submitted a copy of his final report and has requested to attorney general, state treasurer and legislative auditor to file with the court to petition to terminate my role as fiscal administrator because he feels comfortable and confident that the City is moving in the right direction. It is also required by state law that the fiscal administrator develop a plan that will be monitored by the attorney general, state treasurer and legislative auditor. The plan consists of financial management plan that includes qualified personnel, an external accountant, and continue to prepare and amend the budget. Use the budget as an operating tool, and monitor the revenue stream to ensure we are meeting projections. Ensure all transactions are properly authorized by the Mayor as an internal control. Present the financial statements at each meeting that shows budget to actual, use the procedural guidelines that provides how and why we do it and when we do it. And continue to engage an audit firm in a timely manner in accordance with state law. The Revenue plan requires to continue monitor General fund, billing and collections for water, sewer and garbage, and review rates. Property tax, continue to pursue collections. Operation plan continue to use competent qualified personnel and Mr. Greer believes the third party operator for water and sewer has been very effective and suggests that the City continue that relationship. Current staffing levels this year should be maintained and going into next year the City should be cautious. Mr. Greer is happy where the City is and feels it is his time to leave and give back control.
8. Agenda Items
A. Appointment of City Attorney Alderman Clark said that The Personnel and Policy committee did have a recommendation and he will make a motion to appoint Lucretia Pecantte as City Attorney. There was a second by Alderman ward and the roll call vote was as follows
Yea: Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Ward
Nay: Alderman Lancon
Abstain: None
Absent: Alderman Bourgeois
Motion passed
A. Resolution 1 of 2021 granting the authority to the Mayor to enter a contract with the City Attorney, approved by the board of Alderman for the period of February 8th, 2021 through January 31, 2022
Motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderwoman Moore to approve Resolution 1 or 2021, motion carried with a voice vote of all Yea.
9. Adjourn There being no further business to bring before the Board of Aldermen, motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderman Clark to adjourn the meeting carried with a voice vote of all yea.


Carol Bourgeois Jr., Mayor

Susan Colden
City Clerk

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