Regular Meeting Monday October 11th, 2021

Meeting Minutes from Past Meetings
City Clerk
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Regular Meeting Monday October 11th, 2021

Postby City Clerk » Wed Oct 20, 2021 3:53 pm

Proceedings of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Jeanerette, State of Louisiana, at their regular meeting held Monday October 11, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
Those present were: Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Alderman Clarence Clark, Alderwoman Charlene Moore, Alderman Garland Bourgeois, Alderman Willie Ward and Alderman Louis Lancon, Also present: City Clerk Susan Colden, Treasurer Catherine Roy, Chief Dusty Vallot, Chief Sherry Landry and City Attorney Lucretia Pecantte,
Mayor Carol Bourgeois led in prayer and Alderman Clark led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. determined that a quorum was present.
The Mayor requested to expand the agenda to add 9D Request for Approval of Liquor license for Un Wine, Sip and Paint Bar by Ms. Santillia Edwards Motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderwoman Moore roll call vote
Yea:, Alderman Lancon, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Ward, Alderman Clark, and Alderwoman Moore
Nay: None
Abstain: None
Absence: None
Motion passed.
The Mayor requested to expand the agenda to add item, 9 E discuss Compensation and Job duties for Communication Officers, and to discuss the prisoner expenses and housing prisoners at a later time. Motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderwoman Moore roll call vote
Yea:, Alderman Lancon, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Ward, Alderman Clark, and Alderwoman Moore
Nay: None
Abstain: None
Absence: None
Motion passed.
The Mayor requested to alter the agenda to move the item 9A that Mr. Sellers is presenting, as 8A, to the first item of the reports. Motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderman Ward roll call vote
Yea:, Alderman Lancon, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Ward, Alderman Clark, and Alderwoman Moore
Nay: None
Abstain: None
Absence: None
Motion passed.
5. Alderman Lancon moved and Alderman Clark seconded to approve Minutes of the Last Regular Meeting September 13th, 2021 with all necessary corrections. Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no abstain and no absent.
6 & 7. Correspondence and Announcements by the Mayor. The Mayor shared a letter from Lakeya D Manuel recognizing the dedication and hard work of Officer, Anthony Ligon. Announcements The Mayor reminded everyone that the census count came back showing Jeanerette falling short of the number required to remain a City. This change does not go into effect until the end of December. The Mayor has been in contact with some of our Congressional officers for guidance as well as our demographer and engineer. There is a process to get the correction of the count. The City needs to hear from people who did not fill out the census form. CERT training will be on October 23 at Willow wood everyone is encouraged to attend. A recreation survey was passed out to determine what things our community would like to have in the parks. The Mayor has been working with IDF on economic development opportunities. Dealing with streets, the City is creating a plan to improve the streets. Halloween, we are looking at how we should do it this year, we will be making our decision soon.
8A. Hubertville Road Water Main Extension: Present Partial Payment Estimate #1 for approval. After an introduction by Mr. Sellers, motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderman Clark roll call vote
Yea: Alderman Lancon, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Ward, Alderman Clark, and Alderwoman Moore
Nay: None
Abstain: None
Absence: None
Motion passed.
8B. Report from the Tuesday October 5, 2021 Policy and Personnel Committee Meeting Present-Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Susan Colden City Clerk, Alderman Clarence Clark, and Alderwoman Charlene Moore. The group reviewed several topics including upcoming grants and the urgent need for gathering missing census data. Alderman Clark recommended a flyer be sent out with the water bills. The Mayor and Alderman Moore agreed and there was discussion to also host a Town Hall meeting on the subject. After a brief discussion on various parish updates to consider the meeting was adjourned.
8C. Report from the Monday, October 4, 2021 City of Jeanerette Finance Committee Meeting Present - Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Treasurer Catherine Roy, Alderwoman Charlene Moore, and Alderman Louis Lancon. Note that the meeting was moved to Monday to allow the Treasurer Catherine Roy to attend the Government Finance Officers Association Conference in Baton Rouge from October 6-8. Sales Tax revenue is down slightly and Utility payments are on par with 2011 customers. Cash flow is steady and LAMP and bank balances are healthy. Ad Valorem taxes should be available to send out end of this month or early next month. The P & L is within projections, expenditures and revenues should be at 25%. The A/P cycle is working out well and the City continues to pay bills in a timely fashion. The group discussed the Statewide Contract for the Water Plant and is recommending approval for term of Nov 1 to April 30th. Three bids to repair the air conditioning system at City Hall were reviewed and Perez Air Conditioning was selected. Regarding the ARPA funds, the committee is looking for information that Ms. Roy gathers at the GFOA Conference to help decide how to best use the funds. The surplus items to be offered by sealed bids October 18th -October 22nd with bids opened on October 25. It was recommended to have surplus properties offered for sealed bid. Ms. Roy will determine minimum bid. With no other business to consider, the meeting was adjourned. After a brief discussion it was noted that the dates may have to change depending upon publication schedules.
8D. Report from the Thursday, October 7, 2021 City of Jeanerette Public Works and Safety Committee Meeting Present-Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Alderman Butch Bourgeois, City Clerk Susan Colden, Fire Chief Sherry Landry, Wade Tillman, and Public Works Director Howard White. Chief Landry reported 77 calls in the city and 8 auto aid, year to date total is 765. On Sept 28th they hosted a LSU class on vehicle rescue & extrication. The department has sausage poboy tickets on hand for an Oct 23 benefit for a paramedic who is stationed in Jeanerette and had his house burned down. Chief Landry announced a new hire Ned Davis, Mr. Davis will take the Thurs-Sat night shift. The department submitted the items for the salvage sale. The 2007 Ford Expedition will be used for extrication training. FEMA denied the grant request for Airpacks. The current packs are no longer safe and date back to 2004. New packs cost $7,600 and the department needs at least 10 packs. The department is in real need of volunteers. Chief Vallot was on a call and Ms. Colden gave his report of 307 total calls, 0 shootings, 1 burglary, 0 robberies, 8 warrants issued 2 felony arrests and 6 misdemeanor arrests. Jamaal Davis is recovering and dispatcher Collins is moving to full time. Supervisor Wade Tillman reported gravel added to alley behind 1901 West Main, 9 streets where marked for dotties, a water leak was repaired at 1504 Martin Luther King. Pot holes were repaired on 4 intersections. Drainage was cleared on 29 streets ahead of possible hurricane flooding, grass was cut at 12 locations and the trash bags were changed. There is a wash out off from Trappey and a contractor will be working to repair. A new edge trimmer was purchased to help with ditches, and Brush Masters sprayed a number of areas. The Parish told the Mayor that they are repairing the boat dock area. The Mayor is requesting Sellers perform a street survey. The surplus sale was discussed and a waiver form will be given to everyone looking at or purchasing equipment. With no other business to consider the meeting was adjourned.
8E. Statewide Electric on Sewer and Water Operations: The Mayor summarized the reports and said was a pump that failed for the potassium and they are working on the flushing program. They are also working on the auto flushers that need parts and adding more auto flushers.
9. Agenda Items
A. Declaration of Surplus items for sale, motion by Alderman Lancon to approve the items 15 days after publication and anything not sold is scraped and second by Alderman Clark roll call vote
Yea: Alderman Lancon, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Ward, Alderman Clark, and Alderwoman Moore
Nay: None
Abstain: None
Absence: None
Motion passed.
B. Statewide Electrical Water Contract. The Mayor summarized the contract and minor changes to dates, he requested Treasurer Ms. Roy was requested to comment on financial impact. After a brief discussion on motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderwoman Moore to approve the contract, roll call vote
Yea:, Alderman Lancon, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Ward, and Alderwoman Moore
Nay: Alderman Clark
Abstain: None
Absence: None
Motion passed.
C Request for Approval of Liquor license for Un Wine, Sip and Paint Bar by Ms. Santillia Edwards.
After introduction by Ms Edwards, motion by Alderman Clark second by Alderman Bourgeois to approve license. Roll Call Vote
Yea: Alderman Lancon, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Ward, Alderman Clark, and Alderwoman Moore
Nay: None
Abstain: None
Absence: None
Motion passed.
D. Discuss Compensation and Job duties for Communication Officers. Introduction by Alderman Clark outlining pay scales and comparing compensation and duties to surrounding communities. The Mayor said that the process starts with a letter from the Chief and it goes before the Mayor and the finance committee to approve. Budgetary constraints remain, but we will look at this closely. Alderman Lancon commented that the finance committee will be working with the department heads in March. The City will be also be looking at how insurance rates will impact the budget. The Mayor said he would discuss this matter with the Treasurer and Finance Committee.
10. Proclamations Domestic Violence Awareness Month Oct 28th, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Red Ribbon Drug Abuse Week, The Mayor outlined each proclamation
11. Resolutions
A. Resolution 10 of 2021, Authorization by and between Iberia Parish Government, City of Jeanerette and Hospital Service District No. 1 of Iberia Parish (Jeanerette Rural Health Clinic)
After a brief discussion that raised numerous questions, motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderman Moore to table the resolution.
12. Ordinances
13. Adjourn There being no further business to bring before the Board of Aldermen, motion by Alderman Bourgeois and second by Alderman Lancon to adjourn the meeting carried with a voice vote of all yea, no abstain and no absent.


Carol Bourgeois Jr., Mayor

Susan Colden City Clerk

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