Meeting Minutes from Past Meetings
City Clerk
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Postby City Clerk » Wed Dec 23, 2020 2:23 pm

Proceedings of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Jeanerette, State of Louisiana, at their regular meeting held Monday December 14, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.
Those present were: Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. Alderman Clarence Clark, Alderwoman Charlene Moore and Aldermen Garland Bourgeois, Willie Ward, and Louis Lancon, Also present: City Clerk Susan Colden, Catherine Roy Treasurer, Fire Chief Sherry Landry and City Attorney Roger Hamilton.
Father Albert led in prayer and Judge Cameron Simmons led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. determined that a quorum was present.
Alderman Clark moved and Alderman Lancon seconded Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 9th, 2020 with all necessary corrections. Motion carried of voice vote of all yea.
Announcements by the Mayor: Congratulations to Roger Hamilton for being elected Judge of 16th Judicial District H. The Mayor then presented Judge Cameron Simmons with an award for his 30 years of service to Jeanerette, Judge Simmons spoke and thanked the community. There will be Drive Thru COVID-19 testing on Tuesday December 15 at the Ward 8 Recreation Center conducted by the National guard. On December 21, starting a 5 pm at the Main Street Pavilion Jeanerette United will be featuring Christmas on the Main Toy Giveaway. On December 25 St. John’s the Evangelist Catholic Church is sponsoring a FREE Christmas Dinner at the Pavilion from 11:30 am-12:30 pm-masks are required.
7.A Report from the Tuesday December 8th, 2020 Policy and Personnel Committee Meeting Present- Alderman Clarence Clark, and Alderwoman Charlene Moore Susan Colden City Clerk, and Treasurer Catherine Roy. There was discussion of having a consultant help develop policies. The group also discussed having department heads and Commissioners provide a quarterly update to the board. The group is also reviewing a proposed personnel evaluation form. With no other business to consider the meeting was adjourned.
7.B Report from the Wednesday December 9th , 2020 City of Jeanerette Finance Committee Meeting Present- Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Treasurer Catherine Roy, City Clerk Susan Colden, Alderman Louis Lancon, and Alderwoman Charlene Moore. The JFD Monthly report and Sales Tax reports were reviewed and it was noted that Sales Tax revenues are still good and are higher than projected. Utility billing reflected the new rates in the November billing but were overstated due to a clerical error, corrections will show on next month’s P&L. The bad debt recovery and other utility fees were reviewed. The accounts at First National Bank Jeanerette are now interest bearing similar to the accounts in LAMP. The cash flow analysis is good and the taxes have been coming in at a steady rate. The payables are on track. The November P& L statements were reviewed and expenditures should be at 41.67% at this point. The lease on the excavator is done and the final payoff was reviewed as well as other options. Based on opinion from Public Works Director Howard White and with the excavator payoff as an approved budgeted item the committee recommended proceeding with the payoff. With no other business to consider the meeting was adjourned. Mayor Bourgeois Jr. commented on the improving financial strength of the city and congratulated Treasurer Catherine Roy, and Alderman Lancon and Alderwoman Moore on their efforts.
7.C Report from the Thursday December 10th, 2020 City of Jeanerette Public Works Committee Meeting Present- Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Alderman Butch Bourgeois, Public Works Director Howard White, City Clerk Susan Colden. The inventory lists were updated they have generated a complete list for the council to declare salvage. Howard White outlined the repairs on catch basins along Church Street and grouting manholes on Martin Luther King Drive. The new water line project and current sewer projects were discussed. The excavator payoff was discussed and approved. With no other issues to discuss the meeting was adjourned. Alderman Clark asked about getting caution lights on the intersection of Canal and Martin Luther King, as well as reducing the speed limit. Since this is a State Highway we need to coordinate with the DOTD. Public Works Committee will contact DOTD.
7D. Neal Swain from Statewide Electric on Water and Sewer Operations, Mr. Swain said on the sewer side there were minor issues in November a couple of pumps clogged with wipes and trash, and an electrical issue at the main station. They have also been working with the engineer and contractor on the sewer rehabilitation project. The project is waiting for US steel and will be delayed a few weeks. Alderman Clark asked what stations the new force main will reduce the pressure from and Mr. Swain said it will bypass the lift station behind the Gulf station. The new flow is down Church Street to Hebert and gravity flow to St. Nicholas. So it should reduce the pressure to Sonic and the Coffee House during a rain event. This will be more of a direct route instead of dumping from one station to another. After discussion it was discussed to put on the billing to tell residents to not flush wipes. Alderman Ward asked about the auto flushers and their use, Mr. Swain explained their function and that there are plans to add additional flushers next year. The Mayor detailed current process for any complaints of discoloration but the amount of complaints has decreased dramatically. The Mayor also reviewed the boil water issued on Old Jeanerette Road that affected 19 residents, the samples should be cleared by LDH soon Mr. Swain said. Regarding the water, Mr. Swain said there has great strides made. No discoloration and only a few low pressure issues that should be resolved after the water line is connected under the railroad crossing along Hubertville Road that is being awarded tonight. Mr. Swain also added that since the brine system has been brought back online the hardness has dropped drastically. Alderman Clark asked about which plants will be used moving forward. Mr. Swain said he thought that plant 2 was going to be moth balled. The Mayor reminded the council that electrical system in plant 2 is in such poor condition. Mr. Swain told the board, said that we have redundant systems in Plant 1. The Mayor said we will take it under consideration and talk to the engineers.
8A. Award for the Community Water Enrichment Fund Program Hubertville Road Water Main Railroad Crossing Project –After a brief recap from Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. who detailed how this project will connect the waterline by Ward 8 Recreation Center to the line by Cabot on the other side of the tracks., and the Mayor noted that Teche Construction Co., Inc. was the low bidder with a base bid of $72,448.72 and is recommended by our engineers at Sellers & Associates, Inc. Motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderman Clark to award the bid to Teche Construction Co., Inc.
Roll Call vote
Yea, Alderman Lancon, Alderman Ward Alderman Bourgeois Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore
Nay None
Absent None
Abstain None
Motion passed.
B. Class A Liquor License for Jonathan Hopes Sr and Sabriena Hopes DBA Baller’s. After a brief presentation by Jonathan and Sabriena Hopes, motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderman Clark to approve the class A Liquor license.
Roll Call vote
Yea, Alderman Lancon, Alderman Ward Alderman Bourgeois Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore
Nay None
Absent None
Abstain None
Motion passed.
C. John Caro from Brown & Brown for Liability, Workers Comp and Auto Physical Damage renewal John Caro presented the new policies and stated that the cost to the City will be reduced by about $12,000. Mr. Caro then highlighted the changes. After a brief discussion motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderman Bourgeois to approve the Liability, Workers Comp and Auto Physical Damage renewal policies.
Roll Call vote
Yea, Alderman Lancon, Alderman Ward Alderman Bourgeois Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore
Nay None
Absent None
Abstain None
Motion passed.
Adjourn There being no further business to bring before the Board of Aldermen, motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderman Clark to adjourn the meeting carried with a voice vote of all yea.


Carol Bourgeois Jr., Mayor

Susan Colden
City Clerk

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