Minutes from the Tuesday October 3, 2023 Personnel and Policy Committee Meeting

Meeting Minutes from Past Meetings
City Clerk
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Minutes from the Tuesday October 3, 2023 Personnel and Policy Committee Meeting

Postby City Clerk » Fri Oct 06, 2023 11:44 am

Minutes from the Tuesday October 3, 2023 Personnel and Policy Committee Meeting
Present- Susan Colden City Clerk, Alderwoman Christia Simmons, Alderwoman Mariah Clay, Treasurer Liz Verdun. Alderwoman Simmons called the meeting to order. Alderwoman Simmons stated that on July 12, 2021 the council approved to require criminal background checks as a pre-employment requirement. Upon review of the Policy manual, it was discovered that while the checklist contains the requirement to verify that the criminal background check was completed it was not written in the policy to order it. Therefore Policy 3 needs to be revised to add the requirement of the criminal background check to the Pre-employment testing. With no other items to discuss the meeting was adjourned. The committee acknowledges that this was a previously approved requirement and this revision will just clarify the decision of the council in July of 2021 when the revision to the new employee checklist was approved. The Policy committee approved the motion by Alderwoman Simmons, and seconded by Alderwoman Clay to bring the revision to Policy 3 and Policy 4 before the council as an oversight to reapprove motion carried on voice vote of all yea. Upon review of the City’s Application for Employment, Alderwoman Simmons recommends that the applicant is noted that if they are selected for employment, they will be required to submit to a criminal background check in addition to the drug/alcohol screen. Alderman Simmons also recommended to add a section detailing the disposition of applicants. This section would detail the date the application was received, applicant was hired by, the date and the start date. Also, this would detail if the applicant was rejected and the date the person was notified and a notes section that could detail if applicant withdrew or did not appear for screening. Motion by Alderwoman Clay and second by Alderwoman Simmons to approve the changes to the application for employment. Motion carried on voice vote of all yea. Alderwoman Clay addressed some of the policies that just needed to be reformatted. The first was No 30, Ethics, which is just needs to reformatted into the correct style. The next policy that needs reformatting is Number 29, Natural Disasters. Alderwoman Clay then had the group look at Policy 20 Sexual Harassment and Gender, which is similar in scope to Policy 26. Alderwoman Simmons suggested that Policy 20 be removed and use a reformatted Policy 26. Motion by Alderwoman Clay second by Alderwoman Simmons to add the mandatory reporting to the Policy 26 and recommend approval by the council, motion carried with a voice vote of all Yea. Next the committee discussed Policy 10, City Holidays to clarify the shift work would only apply to the actual holiday, not on date observed. Another minor change will point to having the City Clerk distribute the Parish government holiday schedule and therefore the policy will not need to be updated yearly. Policy 27 for Volunteer Fire Dept Pay just needs to be reformatted into current style as well as Policy 31 Fair Labor Standards Labor Act. Policy 32, Vehicle Policy and Fuel Card Use also needs formatting and dates. Policy 6 Hours Work and Overtime was discussed and the holiday hours and payroll dates. Policy #28 Compensatory Time needs to be reformatted. Motion by Alderwoman Clay and second by Liz Verdun to submit all revised Policies to the council for approval. Motion carried with voice vote of all yea. With no other business to discuss on motion by Alderwoman Clay and second by Alderwoman Simmons meeting adjourned.


Carol Bourgeois Jr., Mayor

Susan Colden City Clerk

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