MINUTES REGULAR MEETING-Monday June 12th, 2023

Meeting Minutes from Past Meetings
City Clerk
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MINUTES REGULAR MEETING-Monday June 12th, 2023

Postby City Clerk » Tue Jun 20, 2023 9:24 am

Proceedings of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Jeanerette, State of Louisiana, at their Regular meeting held Monday June 12, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
Those present were: Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Alderman Clarence Clark, Alderwoman Charlene Moore, Alderman Garland Bourgeois, Alderman Ray Duplechain and Alderman Willie Ward. and City Attorney Lucretia Pecantte
Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr led the prayer and Alderman Duplechain led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. determined that a quorum was present. –The Mayor asked to expand the agenda to add 5A Public Comment-on motion by Alderman Ward and second by Alderwoman Moore and roll call vote of
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
Alderman Clark made motion and Alderman Ward seconded to amend item 9A to add Resolution 7 of 2023, which grants the Mayor the authority to sign the sign a contract for water and sewer service contract with Statewide Electric for a period of 24 months and roll call vote of
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
Alderman Clark made motion and Alderman Ward seconded to amend item 9B to add Resolution 8 of 2023, which grants the Mayor the authority to sign the sign a lease with Cabot Corporation, roll call vote of
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
5. A Public Comment-Brenda Carrier-Ms. Carrier spoke in support of the Mayor becoming a full time position and a raise in pay. Dr. Derrick Wells next spoke in support of the Mayor getting a car, a raise and becoming a full time position. Holly Royston next addressed the board on her concerns about lack of communication and lack of involvement and Ms Royston doesn’t believe that Jeanerette warrants a full time Mayor. Ms Royston closed by stating she is speaking on behalf of the Freedom Caucus of Baton Rouge.
Approval of Minutes of the Last Regular Meeting on May 8, 2023- Alderman Bourgeois moved and Alderman Clark seconded to approve, Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no nay and no abstain.
Approval of the minutes of the Last Special Meeting on May 23, 2023- Alderman Bourgeois moved and Alderman Clark seconded to approve, Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no nay and no abstain.
Approval of Finance Committee Minutes from the May 22 Special Meeting- Alderman Bourgeois moved and Alderwoman Moore seconded to suspend the reading Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no nay and Ray Duplechain abstained. Alderman Duplechain moved and Alderman Clark seconded to approve, Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no nay and no abstain
Approval of Finance Committee: Minutes from June 6, 2023 Regular Meeting Alderman Clark moved and Alderwoman Moore seconded to approve, Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no nay and no abstain
Personnel Committee Minutes from June 6, 2023 Regular Meeting Alderman Clark moved and Alderwoman Moore seconded to approve, Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no nay and no abstain
Public Works Committee Minutes from June 6, 2023 Regular Meeting Alderwoman Moore moved and Alderman Bourgeois seconded to approve, Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no nay and no abstain
6. Correspondence by Mayor –. The legislators in Baton Rouge are currently looking to award Jeanerette with a Capital Outlay grant between 2-3 million, the Water tower project is about 60% complete, hopefully they will be coming to paint next week. By next February of 2024 we should see better water because all the work at the plant and tower will be complete.
7. Announcements by Mayor. – The Juneteenth celebration will be held Saturday June 17th, at the King Joseph Park from 3 pm- 6pm and is sponsored by Jeanerette Chamber of Commerce, the City of Jeanerette, with Community Development Empowerment Outreach. There will be a Free Tennis Camp at Burleigh Park for ages 5-18, on June 19-21. Iberia Park and Recreation is holding the youth fun days, free play basketball, the splash pad at King Joseph Park and the youth skate at Ward 8. The inauguration for the new term will be held on June 30th at 3 pm at the Jeanerette Sr. High School auditorium.
8. Reports
E. Statewide Electric on Sewer and Water Operations by Mr. Neal Swain, the plant is working well and the pressure is holding throughout the town. Regarding the Fire Protection side, the ground storage tanks are full every evening. If there is a complaint regarding water quality or pressure that is responded to quickly. The contractor work is going on at the water plant. When the work on the tower is done there can be a more through flush. On the sewer side it has been good, not much rain so no heavy flows. This morning we changed the floats at the IRA street station. The work by the contractor at the sewer plant is almost done they are laying rock for the road in the plant. The Mayor asked about the pump at station 7-at King Joseph. Mr. Swain said he is waiting on overload for the motor starter so the second pump can run. Alderman Clark asked if there was a reason that that station has so many break down, Mr. Swain said after this part comes in everything will be new. The flow meter is up and online at the sewer plant.
9. A. Renewal of Statewide Contract for Water and Sewer Operations for 24 months, Alderwomen Moore asked why 2 year contract and the Mayor for greater continuity but they will be watched. On motion by Alderman Duplechain and second by Alderman Clark to approve, Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
B. Renewal of Cabot Lease On motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderman Bourgeois to approve, Alderman Duplechain had a question that attorney Pecantte addressed the renewal of up to 5 years after the 8th year. Alderman Clark asked about repairs to the building. Attorney Pecantte said the lease states that it is Cabot’s responsibility. Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
C. Approval of bids for Chlorine, Salt, Sulphur Dioxide, Limestone and Potassium Permanganate motion by Alderman Bourgeois and second by Alderman Clark to accept the bids, Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
D: Appointment-Official Journal: The City is required to select a newspaper as its official journal annually and submit this information to the Secretary of State in accordance with R.S. 43:141, Alderman Clark and second by Alderwoman Moore to choose The Daily Iberian, Alderman Ward asked if the paper was local, and it is in Iberia Parish. Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
E. Approval of PPE#8 to Southern Contractors for Sewer System Rehab, Phase 2-8227-15, Mr. Gene Sellers introduced, motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderwoman Moore to approve, Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
F. Approval of partial substantial completion for Sewer System Rehab, Phase 2. 8227-15, Mr. Gene Sellers introduced, motion by Alderman Duplechain and second by Alderman Clark to approve, Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
G. Approval of PPE#2 to Southern Coatings for the Elevated Water Tower, 9327-04 Mr. Gene Sellers introduced, motion by Alderman Duplechain and second by Alderman Clark to approve, Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
H. Approval of CCO#1 for Elevated Water Tower to decrease cost by $11,345 and increase time by 9 days, 9327-04 Gene Sellers introduced, motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderwoman Moore to approve, Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
I. Approval of CCO#1 contingent upon OCD approval for Water Plant Phase 2 to increase cost by $10,725.00 and time by 21 days. 9327-07, Gene Sellers introduced, motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderwoman Moore to approve, Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
J. Approval of PPE #1 to Frisco Contractors for the Water Plant Phase 1 for $58,757.50, 9327-07, Gene Sellers introduced, motion by Alderman Duplechain and second by Alderman Clark to approve, Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
Mr. Sellers discussed the appraiser, for the property that is being considered for the sewer plant.
10. Proclamation
11. Resolution
12. Ordinances
A. Adopt Ordinance 2023-05E- An Ordinance Amending the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget, On motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderwoman Moore to leave regular session and enter public hearing Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no nay and no abstain. City Clerk Susan Colden outlined the changes to the budget to have the budget accurately reflect the current financial expenditures and revenues., motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderman Duplechain to leave public hearing and return to regular session. Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no nay and no abstain. Motion by Alderman Duplechain and second by Alderman Clark to accept the amended budget for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
B. Adopt Ordinance 2023-05A- An Ordinance Adopting the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget, On motion by Alderman Bourgeois and second by Alderman Clark to leave regular session and enter public hearing Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no nay and no abstain. City Clerk Susan Colden reviewed the budget pointing out the planned revenues and expenditures that are contained in it. .Ms Catherine Withrow address the board and requested the council to consider a moratorium on raises, purchases of equipment until we have a fully staffed police department. Ms Withrow also commented that there has been numerous drive-by shootings recently, and the neighbors are afraid to leave their homes. This will also affect the growth of the town if not addressed. She hopes the council address public safety ahead of other budget items. Next Marshal Martin spoke on not including the Marshal’s office when discussing raises. Chief Vallot addressed the board and requested that the board defer his raise and instead distribute the money among his officer’s and the Marshal’s deputies. Simieon Theodile Sr. addressed the board and asked the Aldermen to consider making the Mayor’s position full time and raising the salary., Motion by Alderman Duplechain and second by Alderman Clark to leave public hearing and return to regular session. Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no nay and no abstain. On motion by Alderwoman Moore and second by Alderman Ward to adopt the 2023-2024 budget, Alderman Duplechain asked to details on the administrative expense for the p/t collector and secretary. Ms. Colden responded that those positions are budgeted at $10 hour and 28 hour/week. Ray Duplechain questioned the need and the Mayor said that it was needed. Alderman Clark then said why isn’t there consideration raises for the dispatchers. The Mayor said there were some increases, The Mayor said maybe we can look at in the near future. Alderman Clark said if we can’t do it now, when can we, look at the estimated ending fund balance, it is only $4,732.63, Alderman Duplechain said we need to make some adjustments, Alderman Duplechain made a motion to strike 01-31-66002-(NOTE this account was incorrect, changed to 01-23-66002), 66003 & 65502 from the budget second by Alderman Clark. Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain,
Nay: None Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Ward
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
Alderman Clark made a motion for the money budgeted for the police vehicle purchase 01-31-66003, be distributed to raises for the police officers, dispatchers and marshal’s office second by Alderman Ward Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
Alderman Duplechain, questioned the purchase of the Case skid loader for $92,000, and in the drainage fund the dually truck. Alderman Clark mentioned about another employee in the fire department, Alderman Clark made a motion to shift the funds from Mayor’s vehicle to cover the cost of additional personnel at fire station, second by Alderman Bourgeois.
Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderman Bourgeois,
Nay: Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Failed
Motion by Alderman Clark to adopt the Budget for FY 23-24 with the noted changes second by Alderman Ward,
call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
C. Adopt Ordinance 2023-05C To Amend and Reenact Sections 2-1006 Compensation of the Aldermen
On motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderwoman Moore to leave regular session and enter public hearing. Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no nay and no abstain. No public comments, on motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderwoman Moore to return to regular session Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no nay and no abstain. On motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderwoman Moore to approve. Alderman Clark stated he felt it should be $500 in light of the budget cuts, on motion by Alderman Clark to change the compensation to $500, second by Alderman Duplechain, Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Duplechain,
Nay: Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Ward
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
On motion by Alderman Clark to Adopt Ordinance with the compensation of $500, second by Alderman Duplechain, Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Duplechain,
Nay: Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Ward
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
D. Adopt Ordinance 2023-05B To Amend and Reenact Sections 2-1004 Order of Business on motion by Alderman Ward and second by Alderman Duplechain to leave regular session and enter public hearing. Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no nay and no abstain. Mayor Bourgeois Jr. questioned the wording of only allowing public comment on agenda items. Alderman Clark said that is the law that the public can only comment on items listed in the agenda, the Mayor disagreed. Alderman Duplechain called for clarification. Alderman Clark cited LA 42:16- 42:18 states that the public can comment on the agenda item prior to a vote taken. Attorney Pecantte stated that she needs to see if that is the same with Lawson Act, Alderman Bourgeois made a motion to table, motion by Alderman Duplechain to return to regular session, second by Alderman Bourgeois. Motion carried with a vote of all yea, no nay and no abstain. Motion by Alderman Bourgeois to table the Ordinance second by Alderman Clark. Motion carried with a vote of all yea, no nay and no abstain.
13. Adjourn - On motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderwoman Moore to adjourn carried on voice vote of all yea, no nay and no abstain.


Carol Bourgeois Jr., Mayor

Susan Colden City Clerk

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