Monday November 4, 2024 City of Jeanerette Public Works and Safety Committee Meeting

Meeting Minutes from Past Meetings
City Clerk
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Monday November 4, 2024 City of Jeanerette Public Works and Safety Committee Meeting

Postby City Clerk » Fri Nov 08, 2024 10:23 am

Minutes from the Monday November 4, 2024 City of Jeanerette Public Works and Safety Committee Meeting
Present- Alderman Ray Duplechain, City Clerk Susan Colden, Chief Dusty Vallot, Chief Sherry Landry, Elizabeth Moore and Lawanda Robertson from Public and Anderson Clay, Brandon and Scott Landry from Statewide Electric. Also present was Alderwoman Simmons, Alderwoman Clay and Alderwoman Moore. Alderwoman Simmons called the meeting to order. There were no public comments. Fire Chief Landry reported in October there were 70 calls with 61 in the city and 9 in Parish. On Oct 7 there the department attended a class in Baldwin and on the 22nd they attended a class with Iberia Parish Fire, the fire alarm drills were conducted at both schools. A fire prevent session was given at the Head Start and St. Charles School. The department participated in National Night out at West St. Mary. The group participated at the Trunk or Treat at Ward 8, the Homecoming Parade and Homecoming game. The work on replacing the hydrants in town is ongoing, the original plan was to wrap up in a week but there have been some issues. Chief Vallot had to leave so Alderman Duplechain gave his report. The department had 163 calls in October and 15 so far in November. There were 14 arrests, 6 summons and 10 citations. Anderson Clay reported for Statewide Electric on water operations. The past Wednesday was the official startup of the water plant by the contractor. The automated control panel was able to control the operations. Mr. Clay also touched on current operations and any future expansion and with that the need to rehab the other plant. Alderman Duplechain asked if the additional valve by the insertion valve had been located and Anderson said that Mr. Segura was getting quotes. Then Anderson reported on the sewer plant that only two fixed aerators are working and the floating. Alderman Duplechain said that the fixed aerators might be working at the moment but they are not efficient because they have broken paddles. The compliance order was also discussed in relation to the lack of aeration because according to Anderson the lack of aeration is causing the samples to be outside of the permit levels. Everything else has been addressed. Then the discussion moved to the cost of the new units and the cost to install which could be $100,000 for one. The City has 90 days to respond and we have to aerate to be able to meet permit requirements. Next Elizabeth Moore reported for Public works that 7 alleys were cleared, 6 dotties were marked, 23 ditches were cleared and mowed, a pot hole on church street was filled and grass was cut in 24 locations. The Pavilion has power washed. Eleven sewer backups were cleared and seven water leaks were repaired. A water tap was installed on Old Spanish Trail and the trees on main street are watered every Friday. With no other business to consider the meeting was adjourned.

Carol Bourgeois Jr., Mayor

Susan Colden City Clerk

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