Meeting Minutes from Past Meetings
City Clerk
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Postby City Clerk » Wed Jan 24, 2024 7:31 am

Proceedings of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Jeanerette, State of Louisiana, at their Regular meeting held Tuesday January 9th, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
Those present were: Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Alderwoman Mariah Clay, Alderwoman Charlene Moore, Alderwoman Christia Simmons, Alderman Ray Duplechain. and City Attorney Lucretia Pecantte. Alderman Garland Bourgeois was absent
Mayor Bourgeois Jr. led the prayer and Alderman Ray Duplechain led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. determined that a quorum was present.
The Mayor announced that Agenda Item 9 A, Audit report from Kolder, Slaven & Company LLC will have to be postponed -they were not able to attend. Also, item 9 B, Update from State Representative Marcus Bryant will have to be postponed because he was not able to attend. The Proclamations in item 11 will be moved up and be 9A, B and C.
5. Public Comment on Agenda items 6-12- by Darren Charpentier, Mr. Charpentier wanted to thank the board and the Police Chief and Marshal for having the meeting. Regardless of the outcome he is happy they are meeting in the best interests of the City of Jeanerette.
6 A. Approval of Minutes of the Last Regular Meeting December 11, 2023. On motion by Alderwoman Simmons and second by Alderwoman Clay to approve carried on voice vote of all yea, no nay
6 B. Approval of Minutes of the Last Special Meeting December 19, 2023 On motion by Alderwoman Moore and second by Alderwoman Simmons to approve carried on voice vote of all yea, no nay
6 C. Approval of Minutes of the Personnel and Policy Committee Meeting January 3, 2024, Alderwoman Simmons reported that the committee was going to bring Policy 7 to the council but will bring it to the February meeting. On motion by Alderman Duplechain and second by Alderwoman Moore to approve carried on voice vote of all yea, no nay
6 D. Approval of Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting January 3, 2024. Alderwoman Simmons Announced that the amendments to the budget have begun and hopefully for the February meeting the Mayor will present his amended budget. On motion by Alderman Duplechain and second by Alderwoman Clay to approve carried on voice vote of all yea, no nay
6 E. Approval of Minutes of the Public Works and Safety Meeting January 3, 2024. On motion by Alderwoman Simmons and second by Alderwoman Moore to approve carried on voice vote of all yea, no nay.
7. & 8.Correspondence by the Mayor-The Mayor thanked the community and the elected officials for support and looked forward to accomplishing more in 2024. The Mayor then requested a moment of silence to observe the passing of 5 individuals, Elsie Robertson, Pat Hardaway, Camile Lapeyrouse, Barry Hensley and Jerry Francis. The Mayor then reflected on the accomplishments and events of 2023 starting with projects; the renovation of the water tower, the upgrades to the water plant, the upgrades to the sewer plant, the new equipment and walk ways at City Park and King Joseph Park and the courts at Burleigh Park were resurfaced. Next the programs;3rd year of a Free Tennis Camp by Bishop Jerry Hebert, a sneaker ball for all school age children, the Jeanerette Chamber helped promote a USDA program that provides grants and loans for home repair, the 2nd Harvest Food Truck helped get fresh food in the community and the next distribution is Feb 9 at the Cypress Pavilion starting at 10 am. Under economic development under the Delta Bio-Fuel project, the Jeanerette Chamber will assist in hosting a Job Development event for the 150 jobs at this firm they should have the detail available soon. The Mayor also announced that O’Reilly’s Auto Parts is opening a store in Jeanerette. Work has also started to build the Raintree grocery store at the site of the old Mac’s store. Under community events, in March we had the City wide election and the new faces are Alderwoman Clay elected in district one and Alderwoman Simmon elected in the at large position. In March a Creole Festival was held at the Albania Mansion, that is owned by Liz and Dr. Terry Creel. The Creel’s have also purchased two properties on Main Street and are passionate about assisting with the beautification of the City and proceeds from the Creole Festival went towards various projects such as the new trees on Main Street. During the summer there was a community cook-out, and everyone had a good time. In October 2023 was the First International French Bread Festival which was organized by Ms. Laura Brown and her team and the proceeds went to fund mental health initiatives. In November there was the distribution of 450 Thanksgiving dinners organized in part by Ms. Terri Thompson. The Coffee House also distributed Thanksgiving dinners as sponsored by Marshal Martin. In December was the Christmas Parade organized by the Chamber and Mitch Dubois and the toys and gifts distribution at the 3rd Annual Christmas on the Main event at the Pavilion. St. John’s the Evangelist held a 3rd annual Christmas dinner give-away on Christmas Day.
9A. Recognition of Jeanerette High School Football Team making it to the quarter finals-Coach Paul and Principal Rachel accepted the Proclamation.
The Mayor also added that it is National Law Enforcement appreciation day.
B. Recognition of Lisa Wiles being selected as LEO of the City this year by Iberia Parish Crime Stoppers, Mayor read the Proclamation honoring Ms. Wiles.
C. Recognition of January 15 as Martin Luther King Day in the City of Jeanerette, the Mayor read the Proclamation honoring Mr. King’s work and called for a day of service work.
D. Update from Statewide Electric on Water and Sewer Operations by Anderson Clay. At water plant-well 9 is back in operation and work is starting on well 11. Piping has been changed and painted with the exception of a few that have a leak and the contractor will finish those next week. Plant 1 has both pumps and motors have been changed and work has started on the softeners-the plant has 3 softeners and 3 filters. The softeners were taken off line and the media was removed the damage inside the tanks was sandblasted and painted. In a few days the media can be replaced and they can work on the filters. They did empty one filter and saw there was damage similar to the softeners, so it is likely that they will have to get sand blasted and painted also. Plant 2 has new motors and pumps and waiting on some piping to put it back online. There is a new control panel for chemical feed and backwash system. The Mayor thanked Alderman Duplechain and Mr. Clay for their help when the contractor installed the insertion valve. On the sewer collection side, Mr. Clay said there isn’t much to report on the plant itself, they are looking at painting the walls in the office and the floor, it now insulated. They are in discussions to get the 2nd sludge pump working so they can jet clarifier #2 back online. They are in discussion to bring in a floating aerator to see how it performs against the fixed. The floating aerators can easily be moved around in the oxidation pond where the fixed one require you to use heavy equipment to move them just to change a bearing. The Mayor said that Mr. Segura has invited he and Alderman Duplechain to come to a plant in Iberia Parish and see the floating aerators in operation. Mr. Clay said on the lift stations they maintain and operate 17 stations, there are some smaller stations that the home owners call for repair but the 17 larger stations are maintained on a daily basis. Currently 11 stations are at 100%, meaning they have two pumps working, hopefully 3 more stations will be fully functional by the end of the month. The Mayor thanked Mr. Clay for their efforts. Mr. Clay went on to tell the public that if you experience discolored water to let City Hall know and they can take care of it.
10A. Approval of letter of engagement from Kolder, Slaven & Company for 2023-2024 audit, Introduction by Alderman Simmons who stated that we had a good unmodified opinion with the only finding was not adjusting one area enough in the amended budget. Alderwoman Simmons offered motion to approve the letter of engagement second by Alderwoman Clay. roll call vote
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderwoman Simmons, Alderman Duplechain
Nay: None
Absent: Alderman Bourgeois,
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
10 B. Approval of Change Order No. 4 for Frisco for a 90-day time extension, 9327-07. Introduction by Mr. Todd Vincent. Alderwoman Moore offered motion to approve Change Order No. 4 second by Alderman Duplechain. roll call vote
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderwoman Simmons, Alderman Duplechain
Nay: None
Absent: Alderman Bourgeois,
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
10 C. Approval of Partial Payment Estimate No. 7 for Lemoine for $187,298.31, 9327-06. Introduction by Mr. Todd Vincent. Alderwoman Clay offered motion to approve Partial Payment Estimate No. 7 for Lemoine second by Alderwoman Moore. roll call vote
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderwoman Simmons, Alderman Duplechain
Nay: None
Absent: Alderman Bourgeois,
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
10 D. Approval of Change Order No. 4 for Lemoine to pay items to as-built quantities, $16,700 increase, 9327-06. Introduction by Mr. Todd Vincent. Alderman Duplechain offered motion to approve Change Order No. 4 for Lemoine second by Alderwoman Clay. roll call vote
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderwoman Simmons, Alderman Duplechain
Nay: None
Absent: Alderman Bourgeois,
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
The Mayor announced that tomorrow there will be a meeting to address the repairs to the streets.
10 E. Update from Chief Vallot and Marshal Martin regarding the status of their meeting(s) in regards to "Police Protection"
Chief Vallot reported that they had met and that the Marshal is offering to help with police protection and there is additional discussions that are needed to make sure there are agreements in place. Alderwoman Simmons said that she understands that the Marshal needs an intergovernmental agreement and that the Chief needs more officers. It was confirmed that one officer will be attending post training starting Monday and Alderwoman Simmons said she is feeling a sense of urgency over this. She stated that the Marshal sent over an old agreement that everyone, including the Marshal felt was too vague. The Marshal stated that he needed to have more specific language, that the Marshal has to be compensated for the services he performs outside of his office. The plan for coverage and recruitment was brought up. The group agreed to a special meeting with an executive session on Friday January 12, 2024 at 1 pm.
14. Adjourn –On motion by Alderwoman Simmons and second by Alderwoman Moore to adjourn carried on voice vote of all yea, no nay and no abstain.

Carol Bourgeois Jr., Mayor

Susan Colden City Clerk

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