Agenda Sept 13, 2021

Meeting Agendas for Upcoming Meetings
City Clerk
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Agenda Sept 13, 2021

Postby City Clerk » Fri Sep 10, 2021 11:32 am


Board of Aldermen Meeting
Jeanerette City Hall
1010 Main Street
Jeanerette, Louisiana 70544

Monday, Sept 13, 2021 6:30 P.M.


Due to the COVID 19, and the Proclamation Number 58 JBE 2020 from Governor John Bel Edwards, the Mayor finds that it is within the public's safety and the safety of the administration along with the Board of Alderman to meet with limited capacity seating. The board of alderman and/or mayor shall participate in compliance to social distancing requirements in the council chambers. Please be advised that if you plan on attending the meeting you must adhere to social distancing and wear a face mask.

1. Call to Order

2. Prayer

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Roll Call – Determination of a Quorum

5. Approval of Minutes of the August 9th Regular Meeting

6 Correspondence

7. Announcements by Mayor

8. Reports
A. Personnel and Policy Committee Report from September 7, 2021 Regular Meeting
B. Finance Committee: Report from September 8, 2021 Regular Meeting
C. Public Works and Safety Committee Report from September 9, 2021 Regular Meeting
D. Provide status report on the Hubertville Road Water Main Railroad Crossing Project and consider any necessary actions to proceed with the project-Gene Sellers
E. Statewide Electric on Sewer and Water Operations Neal Swain

9. Agenda Items
A. Approval of overtime for Ward Marshal during Hurricane Ida
B. Approval of VFIS Insurance contract
C. Authorization to Advertise for Bids for Phase Two of 50-ME2-20-01
D. Approval of salary increase for City Judge
E. Approval of salary increase for Ward Marshal
F. Approval of bids for Salt-Brine
G. Authorization of Sellers & Associates to prepare the Water Sector Program application
H. Approval of Personnel Policy Federal Fair Standard and Labor Act

10. Proclamations

11. Resolutions
A. Resolution 9 of 2021 Preliminary Approval of Refunding Bonds, Making Application to State Bond commission, providing for other matters in connection therewith
B. Resolution 10 of 2021 Authorization by and between Iberia Parish Government, City of Jeanerette and Hospital Service District No. 1 of Iberia Parish (Jeanerette Rural Health Clinic)

12. Ordinances
A. Adopt Ordinance 2021-08A Changes to Section 6-3006 (c) Quorum and Meetings
B. Adopt Ordinance 2021-08B Changes to Section 2-2002 (b) Mayor Compensation

13. Adjourn

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