Minutes from the Monday December 4th, 2023 City of Jeanerette Finance Committee

Meeting Minutes from Past Meetings
City Clerk
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Minutes from the Monday December 4th, 2023 City of Jeanerette Finance Committee

Postby City Clerk » Fri Dec 08, 2023 7:52 am

Minutes from the Monday December 4th, 2023 City of Jeanerette Finance Committee Meeting Present – Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Alderwoman Tia Simmons, Alderwoman Charlene Moore, City Clerk Susan Colden. Alderwoman Simmons called the meeting to order and Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr led the prayer. Alderwoman Simmons stated that the auditors have requested that we prepare our responses to the Financial Management Plan that Mr. Greer left us with, and we need to provide a response to each item. The first item directed that we continue to retain qualified personnel to perform financial and accounting activities of the city and yes, we are. Ms Simmons said the answer to item 2 is yes but felt there may be more discussion later regarding this. Regarding the preparing of the budget in item 3, we do this and we are going to start using a schedule for when we are doing the amendment, and use their forms to prepare and present. Item 4 states that we use the budget as an operating tool to control financial activities, and yes we are, and we are constantly aware of future amendments. Item 5. Is to monitor general fund which is checked by staff every day. There was discussion about the role of the accountants and staff and documents produced. Chief Sherry Landry presented to the finance committee information to purchase a vehicle through the State Contract website. Since her budget allows $40,000, that money would only cover the vehicle and not the lights, sirens and stripping. Since this vehicle would come the way a first responder vehicle should come, there would be no additional cost to modify the dash to accommodate things like radios. It would have to be ordered and it is about a 90 day wait for delivery. Then it would need the light, stripping and sirens added if it is not ordered. Chief Landry will look at the order and decide the equipment package she needs and get the price and come back to the committee for approval. The committee then returned to comparing the budget to actual expenses with the P & L. Starting with revenues, for example a few items were underbudget, but the total revenue was in line. Then the expenses were reviewed and there were no major issues noted. City Clerk Susan Colden reported the Sales Tax for the month of November was up 14.39% from the previous year and that the City received $86,045.11. The cash flow projections reflect that on November 17, 2023 there were two operating transfers to the General fund, $106,000 from the Ad Valorem fund and $160,000 from the 1% Sales tax fund. With no other business to report the meeting was adjourned.

Carol Bourgeois Jr., Mayor

Susan Colden City Clerk

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