Minutes from the Tuesday August 8th, 2023 City of Jeanerette Finance Committee Meeting Present

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City Clerk
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Minutes from the Tuesday August 8th, 2023 City of Jeanerette Finance Committee Meeting Present

Postby City Clerk » Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:17 pm

Minutes from the Tuesday August 8th, 2023 City of Jeanerette Finance Committee Meeting Present - Alderwoman Tia Simmons, City Clerk Susan Colden, Treasurer Liz Verdun, and Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. called the meeting to order. Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. led the prayer. John Caro addressed the committee and said that as of July 24, he left Brown and Brown and moved to Alliant insurance services. Mr. Caro said that he has been our agent for 7 years and he would like to continue serving as our agent. The only change would be the agency, and Alliant has more resources available such as loss control to assist clients. Mr. Caro also pointed out that our contracts are not with Brown and Brown but directly with the carrier. The letters if signed only change the agency but the cost and terms remain the same. This change would allow Mr. Caro to shop for coverage for us in the marketplace. The Mayor asked how many of former clients are going with you, and John said many clients are. Treasurer Liz Verdun then outlined the sales tax analysis for two months. Next was Utility Billing monthly status report, with 1922 active customers Ms Verdun outlined the billing, collections and bad debt transactions as well as the way SMILE is providing assistance to residents. Alderwoman Simmons questioned the over 90 days balance of A/R. We think a lot of this has to do with some of the old debt. Ms. Verdun then reviewed the P & L, Alderwoman Simmons state that there are errors in the budget area on the P & L. Alderwoman Simmons outlined the ARPA changes and told Chief Landry that she has some funds in breathing apparatus, and discussed some of the ARPA fund balances and the funds remaining for the Fire Department and other areas. Ms. Simmons then addressed the reconciliation as of June 30 Phase 2 Sewer with the grant we have gotten $444,000 and spent from ARPA $263,000 and we have $26,000 in ARPA funds remaining. Ms Verdun said that in July we have spent $18,645.77 and Ms Simmons said that was for Phase 2 Sewer upgrade. Ms. Verdun said we have $7,554.46 left in ARPA funds for Phase 2 sewer. Ms. Simmons said then we need to find money to pay Mr Sellers for the additional $18,370 plus there are three PPE’s totaling $100,000 that the state only pays about 60% so that is another $40,000. So there is about $120,000 left in bills including the punch list, CCO, and PPE’s we need pay $63,000 and only have $7,554.46 in ARPA funds. The consensus was to transfer the funds from 1% Sales Tax. Next is the Elevated Water Tower and the ARPA funds remaining for this project is $189,899.50 and we have PPE’s totaling $350,000 and if the state pays 60% we should receive $190,000. Next grant is Love Louisiana Ms. Simmons is having the bid opening on August 24 so we don’t have a cost on it. Contract A which is the hard surfaces (asphalt and cement work) is $108,000 and the grant is $400,000 with a $74,000 match. We have already paid $43,000 to Sellers. Since we are getting another $14,000 from Parks and Rec we need to come up with another $46,000. Water Sector is a little concerning ARPA funds is $202,291.29. The project is 18% complete on valving and 16% on the wells and we have $50,000 in CWEF giving us $252,000 in available funds but we have $300,000 in outstanding bills and a $10,725 Change order. City Hall project has no activity at this time and we have a $15,000 LGAP to use. Infrastructure we have $80,000 in ARPA funds and $500,000 in Act 170. Alderwoman Simmons then stated with this review of the grants we need to look at changing the budget and the first thing needed to be addressed is the $18,000 for the fence at Cabot and the gate at the sewer plant. Mayor Bourgeois Jr. said we are also getting quotes for the curbing at Cabot the curbing to address the erosion, so far the quotes are $9,600 for this so we need $30,000 for this project. Alderwoman Simmons said then we need $65,000 for the appraisals for the sewer plant and we don’t have any ARPA funds for this project. The Mayor said we can look at the $4.4 million and also possibly the Parish and the Port for funds. Ms. Simmons then addressed the Fire Protection Fund and said to Alderman Bourgeois to confirm that salaries were not to be taken from this fund, and he agreed. Therefore the Callout Compensation will be moved to the general fund Fire Department with the same budgeted amount. Fire Protection will have a $50,000 balance then and we can add a vehicle purchase and the same with the Police Protection fund. Alderwoman Simmons then said we will make these changes and see what the budget looks like. All agreed. With no other business to consider, the meeting was adjourned.

Carol Bourgeois Jr., Mayor

Susan Colden City Clerk

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