Minutes Of January 14, 2019

Meeting Minutes from Past Meetings
City Clerk
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Minutes Of January 14, 2019

Postby City Clerk » Fri Jan 18, 2019 7:24 am

MEETING-BOARD OF ALDERMEN Monday, January 14, 2019

Proceedings of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Jeanerette, State of Louisiana, taken at regular meeting held MONDAY January 14, 2019, at 6:30 p.m. The Mayor and Board of Aldermen met in regular session at their meeting place, City Hall, Jeanerette, Louisiana.

Those present were: Mayor Aprill Foulcard; Alderwoman Christia Simmons and Aldermen Kenneth Kern, Butch Bourgeois, Charles Williams, Sr., Clarence Clark,

Also present were: Financial Administrator David Greer, City Attorney Roger Hamilton, and City Clerk Susan Colden
Absent: None
Alderman Bourgeois led in prayer, and Alderman Kern led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Foulcard determined that a quorum was present.
Alderman Bourgeois moved and Alderwomen Simmons seconded to expand the agenda to include item 8D. Providing Police service for Jeanerette Mardi Gras Parade. Motion carried
Alderman Williams moved and Alderman Kern seconded to approve the Regular Meeting board minutes of the December 10, 2018 meeting with all necessary corrections. Motion carried.
There was no correspondence
Announcements by the Mayor:
There were no announcements
Wednesday January 9, 2018 City of Jeanerette Finance Committee Meeting
Present-Mayor Aprill Foulcard, Alderwoman Tia Simmons, Treasurer Catherine Roy, Mr. David Greer, Susan Colden City Clerk,
The December LAMP Overview and Sales Tax receipts were reviewed and the latest A/P aging report as well as the P & L statement. There was discussion on bulk garbage rates, treatment of water, upcoming sewer road and roof projects and Mr. Greer provided a details from Cleco Service Agreement that will be offered by Resolution in full council. With no other issues to discuss the meeting was adjourned.
Committee Reports-None
Other Reports
Update from Fiscal Administrator Mr. David Greer- The 2016 Audit report was issued 12/28/18 and is now available on the legislative auditor’s website. The 2017 Audit report is due within the next 30 days and 2018 should be coming shortly after. The office of Community Development funds for the City of Jeanerette for 2016 that were delivered in 2017. The group just wants to insure they are properly recorded in 2016 and the Treasurer is reviewing the transactions to verify it. The bank reconciliations are complete through November of 2018. After the Board decides on the rates, the budget will need to be amended and this will hopefully occur by the February Board meeting. An agreement to complete the repairs to the roof in City Hall was signed, this project should take 2 weeks to complete. Bids are being accepted for the emergency repairs to the lift station. Due to the DHH Sanitary Survey we need to spend some money to resolve some issues that are currently being addressed.

Update from Barry Segura of Statewide Electrical Services on Sewer Operations-With the order to purchase the materials to repair the road to the sewer plant signed hopefully the repairs the will be complete prior to before the next meeting. Due to large amounts of rain the flood pumps had to be activated on December 8, 2018.

Police Service for Mardi Gras Parade-Discussion centered on if the Jeanerette Mardi Gras parade should pay for police services. City Attorney Roger Hamilton told the board that state constitution prohibit municipalities from giving anything of value to private individuals, the municipality has to receive a benefit. The only exception is if the event shows economic value by and developing a cooperative agreement between the city and group. The board decided to allow this agreement to be developed. City Attorney Roger Hamilton will assist and a meeting will be scheduled and if a special meeting is needed by the Board to address this issue prior to the February meeting they will direct the Mayor to call one.

Agenda Items - None

Resolution 1 of 2019 Authorization of Electric Franchise Agreement -Mr. David Greer briefly outlined the Resolution explains that this resolution authorizes the franchise agreement with Cleco. After a brief discussion
Motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderman Williams to approve the Resolution. Motion carried
Roll Call Vote was taken as follows
Yeas: Alderman Kern, Alderwoman Simmons, Aldermen Bourgeois, Williams, and Clark
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None

Adopt Ordinance No. 11 of 2018 to Amend and Reenact Sections 7-1018 Water Rates
Motion by Alderman Bourgeois and second by Alderman Clark to enter public meeting. Motion carried
During public hearing Carol Bourgeois Jr. voiced concerns with water quality and increased costs. Mr Greer explained that the rates have not covered costs for 10 years. The cost for the base rate is raising from $10 to $14 and a $1.20 more per 1,000 gallons which will cover current losses and provide a slight reserve. While the plant is producing good water some of the supply lines are not delivering high quality water. Mr. Greer outlined steps that to improve water quality across the system. After discussion, a motion to close public hearing and return to regular session was made by Alderman Clark and second by Alderwoman Simmons motion carried. Motion to adopt Ordinance No 11 of 2018 to Amend and Reenact Sections 7-1018 Water Rates by Alderman Bourgeois and second by Alderwoman Simmons, motion carried.
Roll Call Vote was taken as follows
Yeas: Alderman Kern, Alderwoman Simmons, Aldermen Bourgeois, Williams, and Clark
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None


BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Jeanerette, in regular session assembled,

That the Code of Ordinance of the City of Jeanerette, Sections SECTIONS 7-1018 are hereby AMENDED and REENACTED to read as follows, to wit:

WHEREAS, the current water rates must be revised to enable the city to properly operate and maintain the water system.

BE IT THEREFORE ORDAINED, by the Board of Aldermen, City of Jeanerette, State of Louisiana, that the ordinance now read

7-1018 Rates

(a) There is hereby established a fixed rate of charges to be levied upon and collected from all users of water products and distributed by the water department of the city, as follows:

(1) All residential users inside corporate limits:

(a) From zero (0) to two thousand (2,000) gallons the monthly minimum charge shall be fourteen dollars ($14.00)
(b) Monthly usage above two thousand (2,000) gallons of water consumed or portion thereof in excess of two thousand (2,000) gallons per month a fee of three dollars and forty cents ($3.40) per thousand (1,000) gallons of water metered to the user.

(2) All commercial or industrial users inside corporate limits:

(a) From zero (0) to two thousand (2,000) gallons the monthly minimum charge shall be nineteen dollars ($19.00).
(b) Monthly usage above two thousand (2,000) gallons of water consumed or portion thereof in excess of two thousand (2,000) gallons per month a fee of four dollars ($4.00) per thousand (1,000) gallons of water metered to the user.

(3) All users outside the corporate limits:

(a) Shall pay the monthly minimum rate set forth in subsection (1)a. and six dollars and fifty cents ($6.50) per month additional.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that all ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.

This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately after its adoption.

This Ordinance was introduced on the 10th day of December by Mayor Foulcard notice of public hearing having been posted on December 17, 2018 said public hearing having been held on January 14, 2019, the title having been read and the ordinance considered, on motion of Alderman Bourgeois, whom moved its adoption, seconded by Alderwoman Simmons, and upon roll call was adopted by its title, section by section, and as a whole, by the following yea and nay vote:

YEAS: Alderman Kern, Alderwoman Simmons, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Williams, Alderman Clark
NAYS: None

This Ordinance was thereupon declared adopted by Mayor and was approved and signed by him and attested by the City Clerk and the corporate seal of the City of Jeanerette affixed hereto on this 14th day of January, 2019.


___/s/Aprill Foulcard_______________


______/s/ Susan Colden_________

Adopt Ordinance No. 12 of 2018 to Amend and Reenact Sections 7-2005 (C) (1) and (2) Sewer Rates
This Ordinance was introduced by Mayor Foulcard with a review by Mr. Greer.
Motion by Alderman Williams second by Alderman Clark to enter public meeting. Motion carried
During public hearing there were no questions and a motion to close public hearing and return to regular session was made by Alderman Bourgeois and second by Alderman Clark motion carried. Motion to adopt Ordinance No 12 of 2018 to Amend and Reenact Sections 7-2005 (C) (1) and (2) Sewer Rates by Alderman Bourgeois and second by Alderwoman Simmons, motion carried.
Roll Call Vote was taken as follows
Yeas: Alderman Kern, Alderwoman Simmons, Aldermen Bourgeois, Williams, and Clark
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None


BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Jeanerette, in regular session assembled,

That the Code of Ordinance of the City of Jeanerette, Sections SECTIONS 7-2005 (C)(1) AND (2) are hereby AMENDED and REENACTED to read as follows, to wit:

WHEREAS, the current sewer rates must be revised to enable the city to properly operate and maintain the sewer system.

BE IT THEREFORE ORDAINED, by the Board of Aldermen, City of Jeanerette, State of Louisiana, that the ordinance now read


(c) Each residence, commercial or industrial establishment which is connected to and utlitizing the municipal sewer system shall be charged as follows:

(1) A basic or minimum fee of thirteen dollars ($13.00) per month for the first two thousand (2,000) gallons of water consumed for residential customers. A basic or minimum of ($14.00) per month for the first two thousand (2,000) gallons of water consumed for commercial and industrial users.
(2) For each one thousand (1,000) gallons of water consumed, or portion thereof, in excess of two thousand (2,000) gallons per month, a fee of two dollars ($2.00) per thousand (1,000) gallons of water metered to residential users: and a fee of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per thousand (1,000) gallons of water metered to commercial and industrial users:

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that all ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.

This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately after its adoption.

This Ordinance was introduced on the 10th day of December by Mayor Foulcard notice of public hearing having been posted on December 17th, 2018, said public hearing having been held on January 14th, 2019, the title having been read and the ordinance considered, on motion of Alderman Bourgeois, whom moved its adoption, seconded by Alderwoman Simmons, and upon roll call was adopted by its title, section by section, and as a whole, by the following yea and nay vote:

YEAS: Alderman Kern, Alderwoman Simmons, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Williams, Alderman Clark
NAYS: None

This Ordinance was thereupon declared adopted by Mayor and was approved and signed by him and attested by the City Clerk and the corporate seal of the City of Jeanerette affixed hereto on this 14th day of January, 2019.


___/s/Aprill Foulcard_______________


______/s/ Susan Colden_________

Adopt Ordinance No. 13 of 2018 to Amend and Reenact Sections 2-1006 Aldermen Compensation
This Ordinance was introduced by Alderman Kern and after a brief discussion regarding the amount of compensation in Section 2-1006 (b) Alderman Kern made a motion with a second by Alderman Bourgeois to amend the Ordinance to change Section 2-1006 (b) to $325, motion carried. Motion by Alderman Williams second by Alderman Clark to enter public meeting. Motion carried, there were no questions and a motion to close public hearing and return to regular session was made by Alderman Williams and second by Alderman Clark to return to regular session, motion carried. Motion to adopt Ordinance by Alderman Kern second by Alderwoman Bourgeois to Adopt Ordinance No. 13 to Amend and Reenact Sections 2-1006 Aldermen Compensation. Motion carried
Roll Call Vote was taken as follows
Yeas: Alderman Kern, Aldermen Bourgeois
Nays: Alderwoman Simmons, Aldermen Williams and Clark
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Ordinance failed

There being no further business to bring before the Board of Aldermen, Alderman Clark moved and Alderwoman Simmons seconded to adjourn the meeting, motion carried.


___/s/Aprill Foulcard_______________


______/s/ Susan Colden_________

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