August 6, 2024 City of Jeanerette Public Works and Safety Committee Meeting

Meeting Minutes from Past Meetings
City Clerk
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August 6, 2024 City of Jeanerette Public Works and Safety Committee Meeting

Postby City Clerk » Fri Aug 09, 2024 6:14 am

Minutes from the Tuesday August 6, 2024 City of Jeanerette Public Works and Safety Committee Meeting
Present- Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Alderman Butch Bourgeois, City Clerk Susan Colden, Finance Manager Christie Connor, Chief Dusty Vallot, Chief Sherry Landry, Public Works Director Howard White and supervisor Wade Tillman. Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. called the meeting to order and led the prayer. Chief Landry reported 66 call outs with 58 in the city and 8 auto aid. In the city there were 35 medical and 16 were canceled, 6 alarm investigations and one structure fire. The structure fire had the occupants fight the firefighters and police. The chief said she did not know the water operators were doing a hydrant flush. The older fire Durango will go to the water distribution system. They are looking into how to get a new fire truck. Chief Vallot reported for the month 160 calls, 0 shootings, 6 citations issued, 7 misdemeanor arrests, 10 arrests which are felonies, one new hire that is post-certified and one resignation. The department has been busy with follow up from the hostage situation and apprehended Jason Joe last night with the assistance of Lafayette PD who has been on the run since June 16, 2023 for murder. There are two recent federal indictments that the feds picked up that Jeanerette PD has been working on. One plead out to 15 years which is day for day federal charges and another plead out for 5 years day for day federal charges. One was for drug and gun charges the other for fraud involving checks and money. During the last 6 months the department has been conducting an investigation with Homeland Security, FBI and State Police and a search warrant was activated this morning and one was taken into custody over switches which is a felony. The Mayor thanked former Alderman Poochie Ward to help with the maintenance program. There was discussion on purchasing/leasing vehicles and the door at the police department. Next, Supervisor Wade Tillman reported 3 after hours call outs, one culvert was installed, eleven dotties were marked, drainage was cleared on five roads, 4 potholes were filled, grass was cut at 48 locations, six sewer backups were cleared and 5 water leaks were repaired, the trash bags were changed on Main Street every Monday. The Mayor announce that Mr. Wade Tillman has submitted his resignation, with the last day on Friday. The Mayor announced that Wade has been a great asset and he hated to see him go. Wade thanked everyone. Next Wade reported that they need to work on a hydrant on Main and St. Nicholas. Howard Whit also said there was damage to a hydrant by the old Winn Dixie. Someone even pulled the power line and transformer down. The Mayor then said he was meeting tomorrow with the head of the tribal council, Melissa Darden, regarding the sewer line relocation for the Raintree grocery store, and reviewed the engineering drawings with Alderman Bourgeois. And the Mayor also added that City Hall will also be used as an early voting location. City Clerk said the Cox contractor is saying that the City did not post that they marked the lines. Mr. Tillman said that they mark but do not post the response, and they don’t know how to post to it. Howard said the directional bore machine that the contractor used is hard to control. The Mayor thanked everyone with the line repair. The road repairs are going well and is nearly completed. The insertion valve is operating normally. There was some discussion regarding Main Street. With no other business to consider the meeting was adjourned.

Carol Bourgeois Jr., Mayor

Susan Colden City Clerk

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