Proceedings of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Jeanerette, State of Louisiana, at their Special meeting place held Thursday June 27th, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.
Those present were: Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Alderwoman Mariah Clay, Alderwoman Charlene Moore, Alderman Garland Bourgeois, Alderwoman Christia Simmons, and Alderman Ray Duplechain.
Mayor Carol Bourgeouis Jr led the prayer and Alderman Duplechain led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. determined that a quorum was present.
The Mayor requested the board expand the agenda to allow addition for a Resolution to create a Cultural District. Motion by Alderwoman Moore Second by Alderwoman Simmons, roll call vote
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderwoman Simmons, Alderman Duplechain
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried.
1.Authorize Mayor to execute purchase agreements with the six (6) property owners for the property to be acquired by the City of Jeanerette for the Water Sector Sewer Treatment Facility Project. Motion by Alderman Duplechain and second by Alderwoman Clay to bring the item to the floor for discussion. After a discussion centering on the crop in the ground and the right away and the role of negotiation for cane payments, and lack of rate study information. Alderwoman Simmons made a motion to table with a second by Alderwoman Moore, roll call vote
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderwoman Simmons, Alderman Duplechain
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried.
2.Adopt Ordinance 2024-06A to Amend and Reenact the Fiscal Year 23-24 Budget. On motion by Alderwoman Simmions and second by Alderwoman Clay to leave regular session and enter public hearing, motion carried with a voice vote of all yea, no nay or no abstain. There were questions regarding posting in website, Alderwoman Simmons thanked staff for following cash management policy. Alderwoman Simmons moved to leave public hearing and return to regular session, second by Alderwoman Moore, motion carried with a voice vote of all yea, no nay or no abstain. Alderman Duplechain offered motion to approve second by Alderwoman Moore. roll call vote
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderwoman Simmons, Alderman Duplechain
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
3.Adopt Ordinance 2024-06B to the Fiscal Year 24-25 Budget, Alderwoman Simmons offered motion to approve second by Alderwoman Clay. roll call vote On motion by Alderman Bourgeois and second by Alderwoman Simmons to leave regular session and enter public hearing, motion carried with a voice vote of all yea, no nay or no abstain. Introduction by Alderwoman Simmons concerning that this budget will be amended in the fall most likely when certain financial information is available. Alderman Bourgeois moved to leave public hearing and return to regular session, second by Alderman Duplechain, motion carried with a voice vote of all yea, no nay or no abstain. Alderman Duplechain offered motion to approve second by Alderman Bourgeois. roll call vote
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderwoman Simmons, Alderman Duplechain
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
4. Review of Section 11-4019 Fireworks-Discussion led by the Mayor, in reference to the use of fireworks in the City limits. The concerns is lack of legal enforcement from police, and if they do the courts are just minor enforcement. As well as the trash left behind. The discussion is the problem with enforcement. Alderwoman Clay asked we could allow a time where it is allowed. Ms. Brown asked if the citation money comes to the city and Alderwoman Simmons responded that it does.
5. Resolution supporting the application to establish the Railroad Avenue Historic Cultural District in Jeanerette, LA-Introduction by Ms. Laura Brown on how this District will spark and support community revitalization and the history of the area. Alderwoman Clay offered motion to approve second by Alderwoman Moore. roll call vote
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderwoman Simmons, Alderman Duplechain
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
14. Adjourn on motion by Alderwoman Simmons and second by Alderwoman Moore and a voice vote of all yea, no nay, no abstentions the meeting was adjourned.
Carol Bourgeois Jr., Mayor
Susan Colden City Clerk
Special Meeting June 27, 2024
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