Monday February 5, 2024 Personnel

Meeting Minutes from Past Meetings
City Clerk
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Monday February 5, 2024 Personnel

Postby City Clerk » Thu Feb 08, 2024 12:57 pm

Minutes from the Monday February 5, 2024 Personnel and Policy Committee Meeting
Present- Susan Colden City Clerk, Alderwoman Christia Simmons, and Mayor Bourgeois Jr. Mayor Bourgeois Jr. led the prayer. Alderwoman Simmons said that Alderwoman Clay was researching changes to Policies 18, 19 and 9. Since Alderwoman Clay is unable to attend the meeting, these items will be moved to the March meeting. Alderwoman Simmons said that last meeting Policy #7 was ready for review by the council and should be on the February 12 agenda. Alderwoman Simmons also noted that the payroll clerk should be able to review employees starting dates and inform their supervisor when they are due for their annual review. Alderwoman Simmons also pointed out that all employees are hired on probationary status so a review needs to be done at the end of that period. Next, Alderwoman Simmons asked the Mayor if he was able to complete his research concerning Policy 13. The Mayor still needed additional time and so this item will be looked at during the March meeting. With no other business to discuss the meeting adjourned.

Carol Bourgeois Jr., Mayor

Susan Colden City Clerk

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