Meeting Minutes from Past Meetings
City Clerk
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Postby City Clerk » Thu Aug 31, 2023 10:26 am

Proceedings of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Jeanerette, State of Louisiana, at their Special meeting held Monday August 28, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
Those present were: Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Alderwoman Mariah Clay, Alderwoman Charlene Moore, Alderman Garland Bourgeois, Alderwoman Tia Simmons, Alderman Ray Duplechain. and City Attorney Lucretia Pecantte.
Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr led the prayer and Alderman Bourgeois led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. determined that a quorum was present. –The Mayor asked to expand the agenda to add item 5B. Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreements to change auding firms to Kolder, Slaven & Company LLC. Motion by Alderwoman Moore and second by Alderwoman Simmons to approve adding the Resolution to the agenda, roll call vote,
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Tia Simmons, Alderman Duplechain
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
5 A. Resolution 10 of 2023 granting the Mayor the authority to sign the Agent of Record Change to retain John Caro, After an introduction by John Caro and some discussions where attorney Pecantte stated she needed more time to research the ramifications. Motion by Alderman Duplechain to table this item second by Alderman Bourgeois voice vote of all yea, no nay and no abstain, motion carried.
5 B Resolution 12 of 2023 Resolution of Acceptance authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreements to change auding firms to Kolder, Slaven & Company LLC. Introduction by Matt Margaglio and Katelin Robichaux-Stelly, Motion by Alderman Duplechain to approve this resolution second by Alderman Bourgeois roll call vote,
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Tia Simmons, Alderman Duplechain
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
5 C. Adopt Ordinance 2023-08- An Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget Motion by Alderman Bourgeois to leave regular session and enter into public session second by Alderwoman Simmons voice vote of all yea, no nay and no abstain, motion carried, after a brief discussion and no questions from the audience motion by Alderwoman Simmons to leave public session and return to regular session second by Alderwoman Clay voice vote of all yea, no nay and no abstain, motion carried. Motion by Alderwoman Moore to approve this Ordinance second by Alderwoman Clay roll call vote,
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Tia Simmons,
Nay: Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
5D. Discussion of New Sewer Plant Project by Mr. Todd Vincent of Sellers and Associates-Mr. Todd first showed a slide of the current plant and described the design elements of the plant that was constructed in 1977. The test demands at that time were 1.32 million gal/day, 30 mg/l for biochemical oxygen BOD and 30 mg/l total suspended solids and 200 fecal coliforms. Current effluent quality demands are 10 mg/l BOD 15ml Total suspended solids and 200 fecal coliforms. Therefore, the current effluent standards are more stringent than the original design of the plant. The next slide showed the design for an equalization basin as well as a sewer treatment plant area. He then noted that excessive inflow and infiltration is an ongoing issue for many communities because much of the I&I is on private property. For the Water sector application, the proposed project was a new sequencing batch reactor treatment plant was proposed along with an equalization basin. The influent flow would be split 50/50 between the 2 plants. Total project cost $10,368.500. Water sector funds are $5,000,000. The alternative is wetland assimilation. This method requires more property to be acquired but is simpler to operate and would lower our effluent requirements. In both plans the influent is cleared of trash and chemically treated. The wetlands project would incorporate an aerated lagoon to promote biological oxidation. The treated water would flow into the wetlands and eventually the outflow in the canal. The next step would be meeting with DEQ to approve the project and to acquire the property. The project will be funded through water sector, capital outlay, LDEQ Loan (with $500,000 forgiveness). The proposed timeline was reviewed. The wetlands project is thought to be $500,000 cheaper then the other project.
14. Adjourn - On motion by Alderman Bourgeois and second by Alderwoman Simmons to adjourn carried on voice vote of all yea, no nay and no abstain.

Carol Bourgeois Jr., Mayor

Susan Colden City Clerk

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