Meeting Minutes from Past Meetings
City Clerk
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Postby City Clerk » Thu Sep 29, 2022 8:22 am

Proceedings of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Jeanerette, State of Louisiana, at their Regular meeting held Monday September 12, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
Those present were: Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Alderman Clarence Clark, Alderman Garland Bourgeois, Alderman Ray Duplechain and Alderman Willie Ward. Also present: City Clerk Susan Colden, and Treasurer Liz Verdun and Police Chief Vallot., Absent Alderwoman Charlene Moore
Alderman Ray Duplechain led in prayer and Alderman Bourgeois led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. determined that a quorum was present.
Motion by Alderman Bourgeois and second by Alderman Clark to expand the agenda to add item 9I to discuss the properties on Main Street, Roll call
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain,
Nay: Alderman Ward
Absent: Alderwoman Moore
Abstain: None
Motion Failed
5.Approval of Minutes of the Last Regular Meeting on August 8th Regular Meeting and August 23rd Special Meeting- Alderman Clark moved and Alderman Duplechain seconded to approve Minutes of the Last Regular Meeting on August 8th, Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no abstain and Alderwoman Moore absent. Alderman Clark moved and Alderman Duplechain seconded to approve Minutes of the Last Special Meeting on August 23rd, Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no abstain and Alderwoman Moore absent
6. Correspondence by Mayor-Ms Roslyn White, Mayor of Abbeville extended an invitation to celebrate Acadian culture on October 1, 10:00-8:30 pm in Magdalen square for Grand Reveil with music food and more.
7. Announcements by Mayor September is Mental Health awareness month and the local organization “Bee the one to help someone”, This organization helps spread awareness statewide to this illness. Also, there has been great response to the efforts of second harvest’s mobile market “making groceries”. They have set up at Mac’s grocery store lot twice and will be coming again on October 7th from 10 am – 2 pm, offering fruit, vegetables, dairy and some meats. Also thanks to Pastor Allen Randle and his group with Lighthouse Missionary Baptist Church who helped out with the event, and transportation between events to Raintree. First Church of God on Christ through their Alpha Community group has been awarded a grant to help with the anti-violence initiative. The program will be called Making a difference and will be held at the church educational area on Wednesdays from 3:15 pm to 5:30 pm, there will be transportation if needed, call the church.
8. A. Finance Committee Report from the Tuesday, September 6, 2022 Present - Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr, Alderwoman Charlene Moore, Alderman Ray Duplechain, Treasurer Liz Verdun and City Clerk Susan Colden. Utility payments are on par with a total of 1974 customers and 63 customers are now using bank draft to pay. Collection of Utility payments is good. Sales tax is higher than last year but lower than last month. Bank balances are good and the Cash Flow Projections was reviewed and it was noted August transfer from 1% was not yet needed. The $150,000 transfer to General Fund had from Utility that was projected for July was made. The payables are inline. The P & L for period ending 8/31/2022 was available and % used should be at or under 16%. Ms. Verdun noted that not all the postings have been entered yet by the accountants so a few areas may be off. It was noted that the general insurance, unemployment compensation and DEQ fees need to be monitored and may need to be amended. The franchise fees were received for Cox and the FEMA reimbursement for Hurricane Ida. With no other business to consider, the meeting was adjourned.
B. Report from the Tuesday September 6, 2022 Policy and Personnel Committee Meeting Present- Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Alderwoman Charlene Moore, Alderman Clarence Clark, Susan Colden City Clerk, and Treasurer Liz Verdun. Alderman Clark requested the group review Section 11-5026.1 (a) Curfew for Minors. The section of the Ordinance that specifies the age a for being a minor subject to curfew as any minor under the age of seventeen (17) years. Alderman Clark noted that New Iberia recently changed this to the age of eighteen (18) years and noted that this measure will align the city’s ordinance with state ordinances. The group agreed to bring this change to the Board. There was a discussion on the large number of abandoned cars in yards and on the street. City Ordinance Section 8-4002 and 4003 that addresses derelict or junk vehicles was reviewed. There was agreement that the city could start a campaign to target one area in each Ward each month and cite the nuisance vehicle and demand removal. Vehicles left past 15 days could be towed under this ordinance. The downtown properties were discussed and there is interest by some individuals to purchase and renovate. There were also ideas brought up for beautification of the area. After a brief discussion on various updates, the meeting was adjourned.
C. Report from the Tuesday, September 6, 2022 City of Jeanerette Public Works and Safety Committee Meeting Present- Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Alderman Butch Bourgeois, Alderman Poochie Ward, City Clerk Susan Colden, Chief Dusty Vallot, Public Works Director Howard White Public Works Supervisor Wade Tillman, Fire Fighter Mitch Dubois, and Treasurer Liz Verdun. Supervisor Tillman reported that Public Works department responded to 14 Dottie Markings, 4 sewer backups, 4 drainage issues, cut grass, cut branches, filled potholes, and sprayed 8 ditches and repaired 2 water leaks, picked up trees, and bulk waste. There was discussion on bulk waste, Tillman said Waste Connections were doing an ok job of collecting bulk items on the south side of the town but not on the north. The truck is coming half full so they can’t pick up the whole area. The Mayor said they need to have a meeting to address this. Chief Vallot reported 328 incidents with 25 misdemeanors arrests, 8 felony arrests,7 juvenile arrests, 49 citations issued, 3 shootings, 2 arrested or attempted murder and illegal discharge, 1 sexual assault with one juvenile arrested. The search warrant of 400 Lovette Street resulted in the seizure of 14 guns, 7 hand guns, 7 assault rifles, 30 gun magazines, 8 pounds marijuana, 1.19 pounds meth, 13.2 grams crack, 149 Xanax pills and 19 fentanyl pills. Mitch Dubois reported Chief Landry is on vacation until September 9th. In August there were 88 calls, 75 in the city and 13 auto aid. There was 1 structure fire one in the city. Mr. Dubois also reported that on August 16th LSU hosted a salvage and overhaul class, and there was a fire drill with St. Charles Elementary on 8/31/2022. With no other business to consider the meeting was adjourned. Alderman Clark commended the police department with the awesome job on Lovette Street and their actions will deter a lot of crime. The Mayor addressed the bulk waste issue, and encouraged residents to only place your items out for pick up the week your area is scheduled for pick up. The schedule is printed on utility bills. Alderman Clark asked next when the city would see the parish’s equipment to clear the drainage. The plan was to start in the west and go to the east. The equipment was not in the city for the number of days the City were hoping for. Alderman Duplechain commended public works for the extra efforts cleaning up Main Street.
D. Statewide Electric on Sewer and Water Operations-Neal Swain. On sewer side the only thing out of the ordinary was some trash at the Canal Street Station and they pulled the pump to clear it. At King Joseph during the rains there was a large grease ball that was treated and dissolved. At the sewer plant the renovations are continuing and there is now partial power. Even with the large rains the system was full but Mr. Swain was not aware of too many complaints. The motor for pump station 7 is being rebuilt, and the components for the panel are on hand. Alderman Clark asked how much of the plant is still with out power. Mr. Swain stated the clarifiers are up and running and the aerators should be online soon. Th Mayor asked about the new pump station on St. Nicholas, the neighbors called in twice concerned about a disconnected hose. Mr. Swain stated that the hose was on top and was not fastened correctly and now is fixed. On the water side, getting weekly loads of brine in, spot flushing drawing samples and responding to any complaints. The Mayor asked about the city wide flush, Mr. Swain stated that the recent fires moved a lot of water through the system. The recent rains have the ditches very wet and recommended that the city-wide flush be postponed until everything dries up to reduce infiltration. He also noted that there are a lot of hydrants that need repair and should be cataloged at that time. Chief Landry said she has the list of hydrants to repair but we have having trouble getting contractors to do the work. The Mayor and Mr. Swain also remarked how the new water line under the railroad tracks along Hebertville road has improved the water pressure in that area.
E. Update on Iberia Parks and Recreation by John Boudreaux and Leroy Jones. Mr. Jones opened by telling everyone that Thursday the board will be selecting a new director. At King Joseph the plans are to construct two new pavilions, sidewalks to the walking track, exercise equipment by the walking track and new playground equipment. Park and Rec were also able to give $4,000 to the museum for a shed. Alderman Ward asked about painting the building, the Mayor said the Love Louisiana project can not be used for painting. Mr. John Boudreaux discussed the changes for City Park. The changes to the walking track and the playground equipment are to allow parents to keep an eye on their children as they walk. There will also be a section of the playground to accommodate handicaped children. The lighting will be improved. Alderman Ward asked about installing cameras, John replied that they need to look for a grant. There was a discussion on using the same colors at both parks and similar post designs.
G. Update on Mardi Gras by Krewe of Enzana by Ms. Norma Bazar The committee would like the Mardi Gras parade to be held February 12, 2023 and to travel the same route as in 2020, going Canal Street to Martin Luther King to Pellerin and then along Main Street. The group would also like to have the wavier of open container approved. Ms. Bazar also asked if the group would also need to enter into an intergovernmental agreement again with the city. The Mayor said that the group does need to enter into the intergovernmental agreement, and that this needs to go before the council. The information will be available for the October meeting.
9A. New Water Line under railroad by Ward 8 and along Hubertville Road CWEF and LGAP– Final PPE#5 for approval for $5,000. Job No. 8002-09. Introduced by Gene Sellers, who stated that he wanted the council to approve the final payment that could be released when the project is determined completed by the engineer according to the punch list. There was some discussion and Alderman Duplechain was not in favor of approving the item until after all work had been completed. Motion by Alderman Clark to table the item, second by Duplechain. Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain,
Nay: Alderman Ward
Absent: Alderwoman Moore
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
B. Sewer System Treatment Plant Improvements 8227-15– PPE#4 for approval amount of $47,452.50. Introduced by Gene Sellers, This is for the work performed at the sewer plant to date, Motion by Alderman Duplechain to approve, second by Alderman Ward. Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Absent: Alderwoman Moore
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
C. Sewer System Treatment Plant Improvements 8227-15 CCO#5 to install Backflow & 100 amp disconnect for $9,000. Introduced by Gene Sellers, these items were determined to be needed at the sewer plant, Motion by Alderman Clark to for approval, second by Alderman Ward. Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
D. Sewer System Treatment Plant Improvements 8227-15 CCO#6 to increase contract time 66 days. Introduced by Gene Sellers, motion by Alderman Ward to for approval, second by Alderman Duplechain. Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Absent: Alderwoman Moore
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
E. Authorization to bid for Water Treatment Plant phase #1, new valves, piping and painting Job no 9327-06. Introduced by Gene Sellers, but the information had not been in the council packets. Motion by Alderman Clark to table the item, second by Duplechain. Voice vote of all yeah, no nay and Alderwoman Moore absent. Motion Carried
F. Authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Sellers and Associates for the engineering and administrative work to complete items for Act 170 of 2022 Road Grant Introduction by Gene Sellers, motion by Alderman Clark to table, second by Alderman Duplechain. Voice vote all yeah, no nay Alderman Moore absent Motion Carried
G. Approval of items for from Police, Public Works and City Hall as surplus sale and further authorizing the sale to highest sealed bidder. Items will be published September 16 & 23, with inspection September 26-30, and deadline to submit sealed bid with a 10% deposit by October 3. Bids will be opened October 4.
Alderman Clark to for approval, second by Alderman Ward. Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Absent: Alderwoman Moore
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
11A. Resolution 12 of 2022 Authorization to submit application for Financial Assistance under FY 2022-2023 LGAP and CWEF, Introduction by the Mayor
On Motion by Alderman Ward to for approval, second by Alderman Clark. Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Absent: Alderwoman Moore
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
A. Adopt Ordinance 2022-06B to Amend and Reenact sections 4-1003, 4-1004 and 4-1008 Police Protection (Alderman Clark) This previously tabled Ordinance proposes to change the reporting for law officers. Alderman Clark state he wished to pull the ordinance. Motion by Alderman Clark, second by Alderman Ward to pull the ordinance. Roll call vote
Yeas: Alderman Clark, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderman Duplechain, Alderman Ward
Nay: None
Absent: Alderwoman Moore
Abstain: None
Motion Carried

B. Adopt Ordinance 2022-07A An Ordinance to change Flory to a One-Way Street (Alderman Bourgeois). This previously tabled Ordinance proposes to change Flory from a two way to a one-way street and route the traffic one way from Bracy to Pellerin.
Motion by Alderman Bourgeois, second by Alderman Clark to leave regular session and enter public hearing. Voice vote of all yeah, no nay and Alderwoman Moore absent. Motion Carried. Joan Broussard who lives on Bracy said it is hard for the garbage truck to go from Pellerin to Bracy there is a light post on corner of Bracy and Flory making it hard to turn. She supports the proposed ordinance. Next was Javon Jones of 202 Pellerin who is against the proposed Ordinance. Ms. Jones said is against the proposed ordinance and she feels that the garbage trucks and the fire trucks can go Bracy to Pellerin. This change only affects 6 residents, she doesn’t feel that there is a high volume of traffic and recorded only 18 vehicles in a day by her cameras. Lee McGowen who lives on Bracy St is for the proposed ordinance because he feels that the street is too narrow to be a two-way street. He feels there is enough traffic to make this change as a safety concern. Ms. Jones added that she feels people tend to drive faster down a one-way street. There was more general discussions among the board for and against the ordinance as well as additional thoughts from the public. Motion by Alderman Clark, second by Alderman Bourgeois to return to regular session and leave public hearing. Voice vote of all yeah, no nay and Alderwoman Moore absent. Motion Carried. Alderman Clark suggested more study. Motion by Alderman Bourgeois, second by Alderman Ward to table the ordinance. Voice vote of all yeah, no nay and Alderwoman Moore absent. Motion Carried.
C. Introduce Ordinance 2022-09 To Amend And Reenact Section 11-5026.1 (a) Curfew for Minors (Alderman Clark) This Ordinance proposes to change the age of minors under the curfew Ordinance from 17 to 18 to comply with changes in the State of Louisiana statue. Motion by Alderman Clark, second by Alderman Duplechain to introduce the ordinance. Voice vote of all yeah, no nay and Alderwoman Moore absent. Motion Carried.
Adjourn There being no further business to bring before the Board of Aldermen a motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderman Duplechain to adjourn the meeting carried with a voice vote of all yea, no abstain and Alderwoman Moore absent.


Carol Bourgeois Jr., Mayor

Susan Colden City Clerk

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