Meeting Minutes from Past Meetings
City Clerk
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Postby City Clerk » Fri May 27, 2022 11:15 am

Proceedings of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Jeanerette, State of Louisiana, at their special meeting held Wednesday April 27, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.
Those present were: Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Alderman Clarence Clark, Alderwoman Charlene Moore, Alderman Garland Bourgeois, Alderman Louis Lancon and Alderman Willie Ward, Also present: City Clerk Susan Colden, Director of Finance Catherine Roy, Police Chief Vallot and City Attorney Lucretia Pecantte.
Alderman Clark led in prayer and Alderwoman Moore led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. determined that a quorum was present.
Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. introduced the purpose of the meeting and turned the meeting over to Director of Finance Catherine Roy and Finance Chairman Alderman Louis Lancon
Finance chairman Alderman Lancon lead the review of the supporting documents to the proposed budget ordinance. The revenue areas were reviewed. License and permits showed the effect of movement of many of the permits moving to the Parish. There was some discussion on the effect of the change. Next Alderman Lancon outlined City Court, and Marshal’s office and explained that there may be some increases but there was a direct correlation to the reimbursement from the Court for the expenses and Alderman Lancon thanked Judge LeGros for how he submitted his information early so the information could be part of the budgeting process. Next was the other income, the adjustments needed to be made for the ARPA and FEMA reimbursements and the ARPA revenue expense and Aldermen Lancon reminded the council that ARPA funds can be used as revenue replacement and that the board voted on the distribution of those funds. Some of the funds were slated for this year and some for next year. Alderman Lancon next explained how the general insurance, auto liability and workers compensation expense is being consolidated in one area instead of being broken up into departments to allow the Board to easily see the true cost of insurance. Next item is total council expenses is unchanged, City Court has some changes but is offset by the reimbursement from the Court. After a question concerning the City Prosecutor, Judge LeGros clarified that the salary expenses of the Prosecutor and Judge’s salary cannot be paid by the court but are an expense of the City. Next area was administrative expenses with a question on coroners’ fees. Then there was some discussion on salaries, the proposed budget has a 3% cost of living increase and some other raises as proposed by the departments. Alderman Lancon cautioned to increase wages beyond what the City can sustain, after some discussion to raise minimum salary Alderman Lancon explained the combination on some accounts categories. Alderwoman Moore asked about the department head raises and questioned Treasurer’s area and the proposed increase, and the Mayor said the Treasurer and Accounts Payable clerk had both resigned. Alderman Clark and Alderwomen Moore both felt that all department heads should be given the 3% pay adjustment. The Treasurer’s position and pay will be decided during the hiring process for the next treasurer. Moving on Alderman Lancon pointed out that the coroner fees had to be increase to reflect our current expenses. Alderman Lancon explained a few more categories and there was a discussion about the consultant line item and Board was not in favor of the expense. Marshal Martin addressed the Board concerning raises for the Judge and Marshal, Alderman Clark wanted the raise of 3% for the Judge and Marshal and the Marshal’s office and the Board agreed. Next was police department expense and there is some categories combined and some increases. Miss Regina Alexander had a speaker request and she explained her concern about the low pay in the area forcing people to travel. Miss Beverly Grant agreed with the low pay and she is also concerned about the violence and lack of officers. Mayor Bourgeois Jr. said that unfortunately a lot of departments are facing that problem and he is working to get more help there was more discussion and need to have an intergovernmental agreement or more definition. Fire Department had salary increase, but the budget is good. Public Works is very different with all employees moving under the General fund Street department. There is also combination of redundant accounts and moving the insurance out as a separate item. Street Light slight adjustment. The Transfers shows that we will be paying more from the Utility fund and will do one transfer per year, we were able to increase the transfer from Sales Tax and sustain the rest of the transfers at current level to build a fund balance. So $90,000 coming from the Fund Balance combined with some of the ARPA funds for more street repairs. This year the City spent $245,000 out of ARPA money and next year we can take $155,000 plus the $90,000 for road work. Next is drainage and mosquito control the salary is moved to public works. Many of the other dedicated funds are at their set normal levels. The Capital Outlay will vary depending on the projects, and might need a budget amendment. Fire protection raised slightly, Police Protection has a slight increase to build fund balance. Repairs and maintenance was increased as requested by Police Chief. For the Utility Fund there is not a raise in rates and just increase from penalties. Our collections are going well, so we don’t have raise rates. There was concern about the bulk waste collections and the City will be pressuring Waste Collections for better service of bulk waste. There was discussion on water rates, now we have sustainable rates. Water distribution the salary was removed. Water Plant had minor changes, and the Sewer Plant and the equipment rental was reduced since the lift stations were renovated. Sewer line maintenance had the salary moved out and repair was kept at $45,000. The Transfers were outlined. The finance director asked about the pay raises and it was confirmed that if the employee is not receiving a raise to $10 or a targeted raise then they will receive a 3% increase.
13. Adjourn There being no further business to bring before the Board of Aldermen a motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderman Lancon to adjourn the meeting carried with a voice vote of all yea, no abstain and no absent.


Carol Bourgeois Jr., Mayor

Susan Colden City Clerk

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