Minutes from April 11, 2022 regular meeting

Meeting Minutes from Past Meetings
City Clerk
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Minutes from April 11, 2022 regular meeting

Postby City Clerk » Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:16 am

Proceedings of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Jeanerette, State of Louisiana, at their regular meeting held Monday April 11, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
Those present were: Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Alderman Clarence Clark, Alderwoman Charlene Moore, Alderman Garland Bourgeois, and Alderman Louis Lancon and Alderman Willie Ward, Also present: City Clerk Susan Colden, Treasurer Catherine Roy, Police Chief Vallot and City Attorney Lucretia Pecantte.
Alderman Lancon led in prayer and Alderman Bourgeois led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. determined that a quorum was present.
Motion by Alderman Bourgeois and second by Alderman Lancon to expand the agenda to add items 8G .
Roll Call Vote as follows:
Yea: Alderman Lancon, Alderman Ward Alderman Bourgeois, Alderwoman Moore and Alderman Clark
Nay: None
Abstain: None
Absence: None
Motion passed.
Motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderman Bourgeois to move items 9A, B & C to item 7A and remove item D, voice vote of all yea.
5. Alderman Bourgeois moved and Alderwoman Moore seconded to approve Minutes of the Last Regular Meeting on March 14th, 2022 with all necessary corrections- Aldermen Clark wanted the word quote used in describing the street project report by Mr. Sellers. Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no abstain and no absent.
6. Correspondence by the Mayor Correspondence received from SMILE which was the primary sponsor of the It Takes a Village Anti-Violence Event Held April 2 & 3 and it was very successful.
7. Announcements by the Mayor: Condolences to those families who have lost someone recently including; Ricky Martin, Wanda Marable, Anita Haney Bobb, Cleveland Sereal Jr, Shelia Navy, Eva Mae Fuselier, Willie Roman Jr., Lewis, Pamela DeClouet Cooper, Roy Butts Jr. Harry Feist Sr. Tyra Berdise Loston, and Marie Louisa Schenayder Mannia. The Mayor then gave an update on the street improvement projects on Minvielle Blvd, Martin Luther King, Wattiny and Bourg Street and hope to have work done on more streets in the future. The other announcement is the water line project on Hubertville under the railroad tracks which seems to be going well and the City is also working with the Parish on a few drainage projects.
9 A. Authorize Sellers & Associates, Inc. to finalize Project 8227-12 Renovations to Pump Stations 2 & 7, Phase 1 resulting of $24,165.00 and $15,500.00 to the contractor with the total RFD to the State of $45,494.23. Motion by Anderman Lancon and second by Alderman Bourgeois Roll Call Vote as follows:
Yea: Alderman Lancon, Alderman Ward, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderwoman Moore and Alderman Clark
Nay: None
Abstain: None
Absence: None
Motion passed.
B. Authorize Sellers & Associates to advertise for bids to Paint the Elevated Water Tower. Introduced by Sellers that the plans have been submitted for approval so this is pending approval. Motion by Anderman Lancon and second by Alderman Clark Roll Call Vote as follows:
Yea: Alderman Lancon, Alderman Ward, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderwoman Moore and Alderman Clark
Nay: None
Abstain: None
Absence: None
Motion passed.
C. Approve Change Order No 1 for Sewer System Rehab Phase 2 that would include changing the galvanized pipe in the water line, the skimmers, sludge transfer pump and changes to the building net effect of the items is an increase of $17,000. Need price for crossbar, but that will come in the future. On motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderman Bourgeois. Roll Call Vote as follows:
Yea: Alderman Lancon, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderwoman Moore and Alderman Clark
Nay: None
Abstain: None
Absence: Alderman Ward
Motion passed.
8A. Report from the Tuesday, April, 5 2022 City of Jeanerette Finance Committee Meeting Present - Present - Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Treasurer Catherine Roy, City Clerk Susan Colden-, Alderwoman Charlene Moore and Calvin Bodin, absent Alderman Louis Lancon. The Sales Tax revenue is slightly lower than last year and Utility payments are on par with a total of 2004 customers. We now have 45 customers paying by bank drafts and we are encouraging customers to sign up. Cash flow is on projection and the March and April transfers will be posted this month. Aged payables are good. The P & L is mostly within expectations but it was noted that fuel and a few maintenance items are outside projections and will be noted in the Budget Amendment. The expenditures and revenues should be at 75%. The Ad Valorem is at 98.28%, but this also includes funds paid for previous years. The tax sale for adjudicated property will be May 5th. The Mosquito and Drainage payment from the parish has not been received yet. The remaining funds were on par. The Amended 2021-2022 Budget and 2022-2023 Budget was reviewed and Ms Roy explained the impact the committee’s requests and revisions had on the budget. There will be a rate study conducted by LRWA Louisiana Rural Water Association, April 12th & 13th which may have some impact on the 2022-2023 Budget. The committee made a few minor adjustments, and after many meetings the committee is presenting these balanced budget Ordinances for introduction at the April meeting. With no other business to consider, the meeting was adjourned.
8B. Report from the Tuesday, April 5, 2022 Policy and Personnel Committee Meeting. Present- Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Susan Colden City Clerk, Treasurer Catherine Roy, and Alderwoman Charlene Moore, absent Alderman Clarence Clark. The group reviewed Personnel Policy 27, Volunteer Fire Department Pay Policy, this policy contained the current rate of pay for call-outs. The committee noted that if this rate was adjusted then the policy we have to go before the Board for approval. It is the recommendation of this committee to remove the dollar amount of the compensation and have the rate that is currently adopted be communicated by the Fire Chief to the volunteers. After a brief discussion on various updates, the meeting was adjourned.
8C. Report from the Tuesday, April 5, 2022 City of Jeanerette Public Works and Safety Committee Meeting
Present- Present-Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Alderman Butch Bourgeois, City Clerk Susan Colden, Treasurer Catherine Roy, Fire Chief Sherry Landry, Chief Dusty Vallot, Public Works Director Howard White and Public Works Supervisor Wade Tillman and Neal Swain from Statewide Electric, absent Willie “Poochie” Ward. Chief Landry reported 66 calls, 57 in the city and 9 auto aid. There were LSU Drills March 17th and March 22nd and hose testing was completed March 25th. Chief Landry said the Durango has been detailed and siren is installed and just needs lights. The shirts for the volunteers will be ordered soon. The stop the violence event was good, and only had need to band aid a few scrapes and take care of one child that got separated from the parent. The Chief went with insurance inspector conducting a flammable inspection. Supervisor Wade Tillman reported 18 areas were marked for Dottie requests, 6 water leaks were repaired, 16 sewer lines were cleared, and Main St. trash bags were changed. Grass was cut at twenty-four locations. Chief Vallot reported of 189 total calls, 2 burglaries, 0 robberies, 2 illegal use of weapons, 11 misdemeanor arrests, 5 felony arrests and 4 juvenile arrests. With no other business to consider the meeting was adjourned.
8D. Report from Statewide Electric Sewer and Water Operations by “Molly” Shenika Jones, Water Plant operations, ran plant samples and MRT samples, check plant equipment, performed daily flushing and any flushing due to customer comments. Performed ground maintenance and service water plant equipment. Accepted a load of brine on March 21, 2022. On March 28th the vendor installed a 600-amp, 480-volt main breaker for Water Plant 2. LDH performed well testing and Chlorine Delivery. Met with Sellers Engineering to evaluate faulty pneumatic valves a new pole was installed on the ground storage tank that was causing problems with the storage levels and PLC issues. For the Sewer report, check plant operations and performed ground maintenance, checked lift stations operations, pulled samples, changed lead float at Druhliet Station, changed circuit breaker at lift station on 87 by old day care.
E. Community Refrigerator Project by Jamie Bowie, Ms. Bowie explained that the community refrigerator is but on the premise that leave what you can and take what you need. Located in a public space, anyone can leave and take food to reduce food waste and food insecurity. Canned goods, hygiene, pasta, eggs, baby formula and precooked (with ingredients marked). Volunteers will promote, monitor and clean the fridge.
F. Update from District 12 Parish Representative Lady Brown Ms Brown congratulated the community on the stop the violence event. Parish public works patched the road on Monnot up to Admiral Doyle. The Parish is also looking at using the ARPA money since the Parish does not have any dedicated funds for road work. Next Ms Brown addressed the Delta BioFuel Company that will be opening around Patoutville. The meeting to discuss the ground breaking ceremony is scheduled for May 7th and the event should occur the end of May or beginning of June. Regarding animal control, the Mayor Bourgeois Jr. met with Lady Erica at the animal shelter. At the last 2 or 3 Parish meetings there has been a lot of discussion concerning the stray animals. First Erica, the Parish President, Lady Brown, the Mayor and the Aldermen will host a Town Hall meeting and discuss public safety in regards to stray animals. We need to have help and identify owners prior to transporting the animals to the shelter. Lady Brown asked Mayor Bourgeois Jr. if he and Erica discussed issuing animal safety tickets and the Mayor said the discussion focused on using cages to catch nuisance animals. The Mayor went on to say that they need to address enforcement because people were opening the cages after the strays were caught. Last year, Lady Brown asked for a early voting station in Jeanerette. The Mayor said the City could provide the space for the early voting, and the Mayor was not sure of cost. The estimate to set-up is about $20,000 and after the yearly cost would be lower. Alderman Clark asked Lady Brown cost for the elections. Voting locations were reviewed and how some have moved and will be voted on in a upcoming meeting.
G. Update by Michael Vappie, concerning Giddeons, developing housing and helping communities thrive, consisting of engineers, developers, grant writers. Looking to partner, and help community develop housing and jobs.
9. Agenda Items
E. Approve Revision to Policy 27, Volunteer Fire Department Pay –as recommended by Personnel committee, Motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderwoman Moore Roll Call Vote as follows:
Yea: Alderman Lancon, Alderman Ward, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderwoman Moore and Alderman Clark
Nay: None
Abstain: None
Absence: None
Motion passed.
F. Reclassification of Title of Treasurer/Tax Collector Position-Mayor tabled item to gather more information
10. Proclamations
11. Resolutions
A. Resolution 3 of 2022 Municipal Water Pollution Prevention Environmental Audit Report Jan 2021- Dec 2021
Motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderman Ward voice vote of all yea. Motion passed.
B. Resolution 4 of 2022 Requesting Financial Assistance under Fiscal Year 2021-2022 LGAP & CWEF
Motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderman Bourgeois voice vote of all yea. Motion passed.
C. Resolution 5 of 2022 Recognition of Benefits of the Community Development Block Grant-introduced by the Mayor
Motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderman Ward voice vote of all yea. Motion passed.
12 Ordinances
12A. Introduce Amended Ordinance 2022-01 To Sell by Sealed-Bid, Certain Adjudicated Properties The Mayor introduced, motion by Alderman Bourgeois second by Alderman Ward to introduce the ordinance. Voice vote of all yea. Motion passed
B. Introduce Ordinance 2022-03 To Amend Section 11-4007 Trash Fires Alderman Clark introduced-and stated we can change time to dusk to dawn, Alderman Lancon mentioned a change to D 6 e, motion by Alderwoman Moore second by Alderman Clark to introduce the ordinance. Voice vote of all yea. Motion passed
C. Introduce Ordinance 2022-04A An Ordinance Amending the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget Alderman Lancon introduced and outlined the changes to the current budget mainly due to influx of ARPA funds and adjusting some line items, motion by Alderman Clark second by Alderman Bourgeois to introduce the ordinance. Voice vote of all yea. Motion passed
D. Introduce Ordinance 2022-04B An Ordinance Adopting the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget-Alderwomen Moore requested to have a substitute motion to table the introduction for a special meeting to have time for a lengthy discussion, on motion by Alderwomen Moore and second by Aldermen Clark voice vote of all yea. Motion passed
13. Adjourn There being no further business to bring before the Board of Aldermen a motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderman Clark to adjourn the meeting carried with a voice vote of all yea, no abstain and no absent.


Carol Bourgeois Jr., Mayor

Susan Colden City Clerk

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