Meeting Minutes from Past Meetings
City Clerk
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Postby City Clerk » Thu Jan 20, 2022 7:15 am

Proceedings of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Jeanerette, State of Louisiana, at their regular meeting held Monday January 10, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
Those present were: Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Alderman Clarence Clark, Alderman Garland Bourgeois, Alderman Willie Ward, and Alderman Louis Lancon, Also present: City Clerk Susan Colden, Treasurer Catherine Roy, Officer Marva Arceneaux and City Attorney Lucretia Pecantte. Absent Alderwoman Charlene Moore
Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr led in prayer and Alderman Lancon led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. determined that a quorum was present.
Introduction by the Mayor, on motion by Alderman Lancon, and second by Alderman Clark to expand the agenda to add item 12 A. Introduce Ordinance 2022-01 To Sell by Sealed Bid Certain Adjudicated Properties. Roll Call Vote as follows:
Yea: Alderman Lancon, Alderman Ward, Alderman Bourgeois, and Alderman Clark
Nay: None
Abstain: None
Absence: Alderwoman Moore
Motion passed.
5. Alderman Bourgeois moved and Alderman Ward seconded to approve Minutes of the Last Regular Meeting on December 13th, 2021 with all necessary corrections. Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no abstain and Alderwoman Charlene Moore absent. Alderman Lancon moved and Alderman Bourgeois seconded to approve Minutes of the Special Meeting on December 28th, 2021 with all necessary corrections. Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no abstain and Alderwoman Charlene Moore absent.
6. Correspondence. The Mayor requested a moment of silence for the families of Lindy, Kamryn and Christopher Simmons and 7 year old Lehemiah Simon marking their recent deaths. Next the Mayor directed the council to review the information from the census Bureau regarding the count question resolution operation which begins January 3 and extends through June 30, 2023. The next correspondence was from Bob’s Tree Preservation explaining their method of pruning the branches to allow large vehicles to pass on Henkle and Church streets. A letter from the Jeanerette Historical Preservation Commission was reviewed by the Board. This letter will be sent to the residents and businesses in the Historic District. Finally the letter from the Office of Community Development reporting that the City had been awarded the Water Sector Program grant in the amount up to $1,390,293 for water improvements.
7. Announcements Regarding ARPA funds and other projects the City will be having the waterline project on Hubertville road, the Mayor proposed maybe the City purchase water filters for the residents, this will be discussed further. The next item was to purchase security cameras for areas in the City. The next item is repaving of streets, the Mayor received a report from our engineers and we will be targeting repairs to some of the streets. We are also researching the abandoned properties and the grants that may help the City clear them. Next month the City hopes to be done with the surplus property. The Jeanerette is not have the Mardi Gras parade this year. Finally the Mayor told the Board that the LMA Convention with be in Lafayette in June and would like everyone to go and attend the training.
8A. Report from the Wednesday, January 4, 2022 City of Jeanerette Finance Committee Meeting Present - Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Treasurer Catherine Roy, City Clerk Susan Colden, Alderwoman Charlene Moore, Alderman Louis Lancon and Calvin Bodin. The Sales Tax revenue is higher and Utility payments are on par with a total of 2008 customers. The decline in active customers was noted and we will be checking that inactive customers are not using city services. Cash flow is on projection and the December transfer was not needed. LAMP and bank balances are healthy and the bank pledged additional securities. Aged payables are good The P & L is mostly within projections fuel expense, and building repairs is a concern. The expenditures and revenues should be at 50%. The City is now having customers pay bills by ACH. Possible funding sources for air packs for the fire department was discussed. With no other business to consider, the meeting was adjourned. The Mayor ended by announcing that the City is looking to update outdoor areas in City Park and King Joseph Recreation Center through a Love Louisiana grant and the City hopes to be awarded up to $400,000.
8B. Report from the Tuesday January 4, 2022 Policy and Personnel Committee Meeting Present-Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Susan Colden City Clerk, Treasurer Catherine Roy, and Alderman Clarence Clark and Alderwoman Charlene Moore. The group discussed that our Drug and Alcohol Policy #21 and Vehicle and Fuel Card Use Policy #31 need changes. Changes to these policies centered on informing the supervisor if employee received a citation and/or arrest. These changes will be reviewed by our attorney and available for approval at the January meeting. After a brief discussion on various updates, the meeting was adjourned.
8C. Report from the Tuesday, January 4, 2022 City of Jeanerette Public Works and Safety Committee Meeting
Present-Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Alderman Butch Bourgeois, City Clerk Susan Colden, Treasurer Catherine Roy, Fire Chief Sherry Landry, Chief Dusty Vallot, and public works supervisor Wade Tillman. Chief Vallot reported of 259 total calls, 0 burglaries, 0 robberies, 1 accidental shooting, 1 stolen vehicle recovered. There was discussion concerning random gun fire. Chief Landry reported 74 calls, 67 in the city and 7 auto aid with a total for the year of 973 calls. Chief Landry registered for an Emergency Responder leadership class on Jan 25th and completed an online Flammable liquids Safety Training through Transcaer. Keith Davidson will reapply for the airpack grant. Supervisor Wade Tillman reported 13 areas were marked for Dottie requests, 4 water leaks were repaired, 30 pot holes were patched, 5 sewer lines were cleared, and 12 ditches were cleared of trash. Bulk waste picked up on Druilhet, Frisco and Emile Robicheaux Dr. Gravel was placed on intersection of St. Peter and Main St. Main St. trash bags were changed. Grass was cut at Canal, St. Burleigh Park to Pellerin, City Hall, Marshal’s office, JPD, Hews House, and the pavilion on Main St. With no other business to consider the meeting was adjourned. The Mayor added that the Sherriff’s department has offered some trustee help and Howard White is going to clear the ditches with the small excavator. The Parish has been slow to help us, and the Mayor said we need to push our Parish council representatives.
8D. Report from Statewide Electric Sewer and Water Operations by Neal Swain and Eric Mouton. Eric Mouton addressed the water operations and said that all the monthly tests and samples were completed. Equipment was inspected at the plant. Hydrants were flushed in areas of concern as well as regular areas. Ground maintenance of equipment at plant was performed. All monthly testing reports were within normal parameters. Alderman Lancon asked if the potassium permanganate pump was online yet and Statewide said it should be online this week. The Mayor asked about the flushing program, Mr. Mouton addressed the method and the Mayor asked about the automated flushers. Mr. Swain said we can get a cheaper model from Musso but it will be not have the housing, we just need to look out for erosion. Mr. Neal Swain reported the weather has cooperated, the new lift stations are working good, still waiting on an additional pump at King Joseph station. Alderman Lancon asked about cost of getting our own used bypass pump Neal said the cost would be about $30,000 for used and $80,000 new and stand-alone generator would be the same. The bypass pump would include the generator in it. Last year we spent about $9,000 for the bypass at the King Joseph station, there has been bypass pumps needed at Canal and again at King Joseph. Alderman Clark pointed out the amount of need for these pump over the last few years the City could have purchased a bypass rather than renting.
8E Report by Christie Dunn of Wright, Moore, DeHart, Dupuis & Hutchinson LLC presenting the audit for year end 6/30/2021 Ms. Dunn said that again this year they are issuing an unmodified opinion on the financial statements and present fairly, in all material respects. This year they performed a single audit under the uniform guidance because of the amount of federal dollars the City received as well as loan guarantees on USDA loan. This type of audit will be necessary over the next several years as the City moves through the ARPA funds and other federal program funds. Going to the balance sheet of the governmental funds, the major funds, general, 1% Sales Tax, Sewer Treatment Plant upgrade, and Other Governmental. The General fund had assets of one million dollars and $160,000 in liabilities and some deferred inflows of tax revenues and the total of the fund balance at year-end of $852,000. A large portion of the balance is interest bearing deposits, $620,000, and the rest is due from other governmental units. The 1 % sales tax fund is strictly cash and fund balance. The sewer treatment upgrade fund is a little cash and due from other governmental units of receivables due to construction and payables to the contractors of $359,000 and the fund zeroed out at the end of the year with no balance. The other governmental funds explanation is on page 64, non-major special revenue funds and are restricted use funds and are detailed on page 65. Page 66 is the Debt Service Funds and Capital Project Funds for our water plant and street improvement project and the funds are cash in the bank and fund balance. Page 12 shows the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance in all the major funds. Total revenues in the General fund as just over $2,000,000 with the expenditures of $2,389,561 to create a deficiency of $320,561 but then the City transferred into the General fund $833.882 to create a net change of $513,321. The sales tax fund had revenues of $513,444 and no expenditures and $380,000 transferred for a net change of $133,444. The Sewer Treatment had revenues of $909,483 and Expenditures of $1,269,794 for a deficiency of $360,311. The transfers in of $360,311 resulted in a zero net change. The Other Governmental Funds had revenues of $674,157 and Expenditures of $429,374 for a net change of $254,176. Page 14 is the Utility fund and the total assets was $11,985,301, total liabilities of $2,580,184 and a total net position of $9,411,485. Page 15 shows the operating revenues of $1,678,658 and operating expenses of $1,772,473 for an operating loss of $93,815, keeping in mind that depreciation is a noncash expense, $494,434, so from a cash standpoint the City was still very positive. Adding in the non-operating revenue brings the change in net position to $996,567 for an ending net position of $9,411,485. The cash flow statement is on page 17 and the City had a positive cash flow. Budget to actual comparison on page 59 shows positive variance in revenues of $108,609 and a negative variance in expenditures of $76,704 for a positive overall of variance of $32,005. There were no compliance issues. Agreed Upon Procedures will be required next year. So it will need to be developed. We have 6 month to develop.
9. Agenda Items
A. Approve Revisions to Policy #31 Vehicle and Fuel Card Use-introduction by Alderman Clark to include wording that if employee receives citation or arrest the supervisor must be immediately informed. On motion by Alderman Bourgeois and second by Alderman Ward the revision to the policy was approved by the following roll call vote
Yea: Alderman Lancon, Alderman Ward, Alderman Bourgeois, and Alderman Clark
Nay: None
Abstain: None
Absence: Alderwoman Moore
Motion passed.
B. Approve Revisions to Policy #21 Drug and Alcohol Policy- introduction by Alderman Clark, after discussion, on motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderman Clark the revision to the policy stating use alcohol is prohibited city property and operations, tabled and sent back to committee by the following roll call vote
Yea: Alderman Lancon, Alderman Ward, Alderman Bourgeois, and Alderman Clark
Nay: None
Abstain: None
Absence: Alderwoman Moore
Motion passed.
10. Proclamations
11. Resolutions
12A. Introduce Ordinance 2021-11A, of Bond Ordinance for General Obligation Refunding Bond, Series 2021 and accept offer to purchase Introduction by R.J. Fonseca of Standard Law. Mr. Fonseca reviewed the process going forward and the Board needs to set the minimum price for the properties. After a brief discussion the Board agreed to table the ordinance and hold a special meeting to set the minimum price. On motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderman Ward voice vote carried by voice vote of all yea no no and Alderwoman Moore absent.
13. Adjourn There being no further business to bring before the Board of motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderman Lancon to adjourn the meeting carried with a voice vote of all yea, no abstain and Alderwoman Moore absent.


Carol Bourgeois Jr., Mayor

Susan Colden City Clerk

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