Notice of public meeting Monday, April 10, 2023 6:30 P.M.

Meeting Agendas for Upcoming Meetings
City Clerk
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Notice of public meeting Monday, April 10, 2023 6:30 P.M.

Postby City Clerk » Wed Apr 05, 2023 11:16 am


Board of Aldermen Meeting
Jeanerette City Hall
1010 E. Main Street
Jeanerette, Louisiana 70544

Monday, April 10, 2023 6:30 P.M.


The public may make a public comment by email to, facsimile at 337-276-5023, or complete a speaker’s card and present to the clerk prior the meeting indicating the agenda item that they wish to comment.

1. Call to Order

2. Prayer

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Roll Call – Determination of a Quorum

5. A. Approval of Minutes of the Last Regular Meeting on March 13th, 2023

6. Correspondence by Mayor

7. Announcements by Mayor

8. Reports
A. Personnel Committee: Report from March Regular Meeting
B. Finance Committee Report from March Regular Meeting
C. Public Works Committee Report from March Regular Meeting
D. Statewide Electric on Sewer and Water Operations Neal Swain

9. Agenda Items
A. -Request Authorization to readvertise for bids for the Love LA Outdoors Program City Park and King Joseph Recreational Center Park Improvements – Contract B Playground Equipment and Site Amenities Project.
B. Approval of PPE#2 For $2,922.60 to Southern Constructors, LLC for water improvements along LA Highway 671 (Canal Street) project 7048-56
C. Approval of PPE#1 for $12,689.15 to Lemoine Company LLC for the Water Treatment Plant Phase 1 project 9327-06

10. Proclamations-

11. Resolution
A Resolution 4 of 2023 To Authorize the Mayor to Sign and Submit documents and adopt procedures in connection with the Water Sector Program for Sewer Improvements

12. Ordinances –

13. Adjourn

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